Category: Poker Hand Scenarios

Playing from the Blinds


In No Limit Hold'em, players lose more money from the Blinds than any other position in poker.

Why? Most players are either playing too aggressively (they don't want to give up chips without a fight) or playing too passively (fearing a 3-bet or their raise getting called).

Whether you are defending from the Big Blind, completing from the Small Blind, raising limpers, or 3-Betting late position raisers, understanding how to play each position as profitably as possible (no matter what your cards) will help keep those chips in YOUR stack!

Put your decision-making skills from the Small Blind and Big Blind to the test using the scenarios below:

  1. Set of 9♠9♣ on the Flop
  2. K♥J♥ vs a Large Raise
  3. Q♠Q♦ on the Flop
  4. A♦K♦ vs a Raise and a Call
  5. A♠Q♦ on the Turn

Understanding and mastering the strategies delivered in the following LearnWPT Episodes will give you the opportunities to exert a skill edge against your opponents and play from the Blinds effectively:

Keep on practicing!

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game. Members have access to over 180+ scenarios like this to practice their decision-making skills!

How Do You Play Pocket Pairs?

Pocket pairs can be tricky, and misplaying them can put your chips in serious trouble!

A pocket pair can look great preflop but how does the strength of your hand change on the Flop, Turn, or River?

Whether you have ducks, treys, walking sticks, snowmen, ladies, cowboys, or rockets, understanding what your pocket pair is worth on every street will give you a skill edge against your opponents.

Put your skills to the test in these decisions involving pocket pairs!

  1. 3♥3♠ with 17BB Stack
  2. 5♦5♣ in the Small Blind
  3. 6♠6♣ on the Flop
  4. J♠J♥ on the Turn
  5. T♣T♠ on the River

Understanding and mastering these strategies will give you the opportunities to exert a skill edge against your opponents and play your pocket pairs effectively:

Keep on practicing!

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game. Members have access to over 150+ scenarios like this to practice their decision-making skills!

How are these scenarios helping your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month – Continuation Betting!

CBet HIT-optmzd.png

Knowing how and when to C-Bet, Continuation Raise, Float, and Check-Raise are the keys to getting a hold of chips and protecting your stack.

Understanding and mastering strategies such as Continuation Betting, Floating, Protecting C-Bets, and Check-Raising will give you the opportunities to exert skill edge against your opponents.

Practice your Continuation Betting decision-making skills now by reviewing the following collection of Poker Hand examples on how to effectively use the LearnWPT C-Betting strategy.

  1. When You Miss the Flop: Missed the Flop in a Multiway Pot
  2. C-Bet and Get Check-Raised: T♠T♥ vs a Check-Raise
  3. 3-Bet and Get a Single Caller: 6♠6♣ on the Flop
  4. Continuation Raising: K♠K♥ vs a Flop Bet
  5. Calling in Position vs C-Betting: A♥K♠ vs a Donk Bet

An effective C-Betting strategy that accounts for board texture, number of opponents, stack sizes, and likely hand ranges is an essential tool that separates amateurs from the Pros.

Understanding these critical concepts and how to apply them will put you in a position to take down uncontested pots through aggression, and provide a balanced approach to your postflop game plan.

Keep on practicing!

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these scenarios helping your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month - Preflop Action!

HIT Preflop - optmzd.png

Knowing how and when to make moves Preflop is one of the keys to getting a hold of chips in a poker tournament.

Understanding and mastering strategies such as Preflop Calling, Preflop Raise Sizing, and Position will give you the opportunities to exert skill edge against your opponents.

Practice your preflop decision making skills now by reviewing the following collection of Poker Hand examples on how to increase the number of ways of to win hands (and not lose chips!) Preflop:

  1. T♠T♥ vs a Raise and a Reraise
  2. T♣9♣ vs a Raise and a Call
  3. A♠J♥ vs a Raise & Call
  4. Q♦Q♣ vs a Limp-Reraise

Preflop is where your toughest opponents will often give you the most trouble. Our purpose of the Poker Hand emails is to get YOU (our students) to become the player giving everyone else trouble.

Keep on practicing,

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these scenarios helping your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month!


Thank you for all the feedback about the Poker Hand emails!

Our purpose of these emails is to get students of poker to practice your decision-making skills and understand why Pros make the moves they make for long-term results.

Here's a collection of our most talked about Poker Hands of last month:

  1. 2♠2♥ vs a Raise
  2. A♥3♥ on the Turn
  3. 5♠6♠ vs a Raise and a Call
  4. 9♥8♥ on the Flop

Deliberate application of key concepts at the table and constant practice of your decision-making skills is essential for success in No-Limit Hold'em.

Amateurs play, Pros practice!

That's why we ask that you read these articles to keep you thinking, practicing, and learning about poker... be sure to let us know how you would have played it using the comments section below each Pro answer.

We'll see you online,

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these scenarios helping your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month!


Thank you for all the feedback about the Poker Hand emails!

Our purpose of these emails is to get students of poker to put your thinking caps on, test your decision-making skills, and understand why our Pros make the moves they make for long-term results.

Here's a collection of our most thought-provoking Poker Hands of the month:

  1. Big Draw in a Multiway Pot
  2. Flopped Trips with K♦J♦
  3. Check-Raise on the Turn
  4. Missed the Flop in a Multiway Pot

Building a habit of thinking about poker away from the table will improve your game and how you will Learn to Think Like a Pro!

That's why we ask that you read these articles to keep you thinking and learning about poker... be sure to let us know how you would have played it using the comments section below each Pro answer.

We'll see you online,

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these scenarios helping your game?

Post your answers in the comments below.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month!


We've been listening to all the feedback from everyone and love hearing how you're using the "Poker Hands" emails to practice your decision making and improve your game.

We'll keep sending them, but here's a collection of your favorite and most discussed Poker Hands of the month.

  1. Q♥Q♣ vs a 3-Bet
  2. Big Draw vs a C-Bet
  3. A♠Q♠ in the Big Blind
  4. Under the Gun with A♠T♥

Amateurs play, Pros practice!

​​Deliberate application of key concepts at the table and constant practice of your decision-making skills is essential for success in No-Limit Hold'em.

That's why we ask that you read these articles and keep practicing your decision making skills... even if you don't always agree with our analysis (keep those comments coming)!


PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to start adding more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these scenarios helping your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

Ready to Win More Playing Poker?

When you join LearnWPT for just $5 get:

Everyone else is improving... are YOU?

Poker Hands of the Month!


Thank you for all the feedback about the Poker Hand emails - we love hearing how these scenarios are helping shift your decision-making skills into high gear!

Here’s a collection of the favorite and most discussed Poker Hands of last month:

  1. A♣K♦ vs a UTG Raise and a Call
  2. K♠K♥ vs a Flop Bet
  3. A♠T♦ vs a Preflop Raise + Call
  4. T♠T♥ vs a Check-Raise

Hand analysis is one of the best things you can do to improve your results at the table
and constant practice of your decision-making skills is essential for success in No-Limit Hold'em.

That’s why we ask that you read and practice these scenarios to keep you thinking and learning about poker… even if you don’t always agree with our analysis 😉!

See you online,

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to start adding more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these Poker Hand Scenarios helping improve your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

Ready to Win More
Playing Poker?

When you join LearnWPT for just $5 you'll get:

Everyone else is improving their game... are you?

Poker Hands of the Month!


We love reading all the feedback from everyone about our Poker Hand scenario emails, especially how you're putting the concepts learned into practice.

Here's a collection of the most popular and talked about Poker Hands of the last month:

  1. Middle Set on the Flop, what do you do here?
  2. K♠Q♠ vs a Hijack Limper, what do you do here?
  3. K♥K♠ on the Turn, what do you do here?
  4. A♣3♣ on the Flop, what do you do here?

Amateurs play, Pros practice!

Deliberate application of key concepts at the table and constant practice of your decision-making skills is essential for success in No-Limit Hold'em.

That's why we ask that you read these articles and keep practicing...

See you online,

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to start adding more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these Poker Hand Scenarios helping improve your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

Ready to Win More
Playing Poker?

When you join LearnWPT for just $5 you'll get:

  • On-demand access to in-depth Strategy Episodes
  • All of your poker questions answered with Ask a Pro
  • Sharper decision-making skills with Poker Hand scenarios
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables

Everyone else is improving their game... are you?

Poker Hands of the Month!


We've been listening to all the feedback from everyone and love hearing how you're using the "Poker Hands" scenario emails to study and practice the strategies you are learning.

Here's a collection of the most discussed and thought provoking Poker Hands of the month.

  1. Q♥Q♠ vs a Preflop Shove, what do you do here?
  2. K♦J♣ from Under the Gun, what do you do here?
  3. A♥J♠ on the Flop, what do you do here?
  4. Trip Eights on the River, what do you do here?

Building a habit of thinking about poker away from the table will improve your game and how you will Learn to Think Like a Pro!

That's why we ask that you read these articles to keep you thinking and learning about poker... even if you don't always agree with our analysis (keep those comments coming)!


PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to start adding more levels of complexity and nuance to your game.

How are these Poker Hand Scenarios helping improve your game?
Post your answers in the comments below.

Improve Your Game With LearnWPT!

When you join LearnWPT for just $5 you'll get:

  • On-demand access to in-depth Strategy Episodes
  • All of your poker questions answered with Ask a Pro
  • Sharper decision-making skills with Poker Hand scenarios
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables

Everyone is improving their game, are YOU?
Join LearnWPT today and take your game to the next level!