Poker Strategy Episode: Check-Raising Instead of C-Betting

In order to maximize fold equity and to utilize a powerful move to adjust for the shallow stacked situations, we recommend adding the check-raise to your overall game-plan in otherwise standard....... C-Betting spots.

Watch this 2-minute preview of a LearnWPT Strategy Episode as LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger provides clear guidelines for using the Check-Raise when standard C-Bets are leaving you vulnerable due to stack sizes.

When the 2-minute preview is done, click the red JOIN NOW button to get immediate access to the full Strategy Episode!

🎉 As an added bonus after joining, you can download the Continuation Betting Field Manual from the Tools Dashboard as a preflop c-betting guide!


Adding the Check-Raise to your overall game-plan will help maximize fold equity and give you a powerful move to adjust for shallow stacked situations.

When you're the preflop aggressor and you frequently follow up with a c-bet, it can be a very strong strategy as you can directly counteract attempts by opponents to exploit you on the flop. However, c-betting can leave you very vulnerable when you are betting out on the flop after being the preflop aggressor with your entire range or with a high frequency.

This strategy may give opponents behind you an opportunity to easily raise you, put you all-in, or simply raise a significant portion of your stack so that you end up being unable to continue against that aggression. So if you are c-betting with a very high frequency in spots where you can't continue because of stack sizes, your opponent can effectively get the last bet in and raise you so you're unable to create any further fold equity in the hand.

In order to prevent this from happening, you can adjust your overall c-betting strategy based on stack size and you can introduce the check-raise as part of your game plan, which can often reclaim fold equity that wouldn't exist on the c-bet. In order not to get exploited, you should utilize this strategy with an overall balanced range.

Consider this example that illustrates why check-raising can be a better play than simply c-betting:

The blinds are 500 and 1,000 with a 100 ante, it's a 9 handed table, it folds around to you in the Cutoff seat, you have 89 and 21,500 chips in your stack. You open to 2,500 chips or 2.5 big blinds, the Button calls, both Blinds fold and the flop comes 10♣73♠ rainbow, no diamond.


So now you have an open-ended straight draw, there's 7,400 in the pot and you have 19,000 back. Your stack size might leave you vulnerable, so if you bet 3,000 and your opponent puts you all-in for 19,000, there's going to be nearly 30,000 chips in the pot and it would cost you 16,000 to call so you would have about 32% equity calling this all-in.


However, you need more equity than that in order to call, as the real danger in this spot is flopping a hand that has a lot of equity. With this c-bet leaving you incredibly vulnerable, if you use a 100% c-betting strategy with this stack size you're going to be very exploitable.

Consequently, if your c-bet gets raised and if you can't continue even when you're flopping a lot of equity, that might mean that this is a bad spot to be c-betting with a high frequency.

Instead of c-betting, if you check, your opponent can check behind, or even more commonly, they would take a stab at this pot. In that case, if the Button bets out, you can see that you have a very natural stack size now to check-raise all-in.

You are now leveraging your stack size to create fold equity on this check-raise and you can get the last bet in on this flop, giving your opponent ample opportunity to fold a good portion of their range. If they don't fold, you still have 8 outs to improve to a straight.

So, when you're holding a draw on the flop and c-betting leaves you very vulnerable because of the stack size, you can opt to check-raise instead. When stacks start to get smaller in tournaments, having a very high c-betting frequency can often be a counterproductive strategy for you, especially against opponents who are aggressive, floating you or raising your c-bets frequently.

Against opponents who are very passive you should start c-betting these spots if they're playing fit or fold, calling preflop, or not putting pressure on you postflop. However, if you are playing against opponents who are raising your c-bets or floating you, introducing the check-raise into your arsenal will counter their strategy.

C-betting is one of the most common problem areas for both amateurs and Pros.

You will spend most of your time figuring out when you should c-bet or employ tricks such as check-raising. There are a variety of ways that your opponents might try to counter your c-bets.

They can call your c-bet on the flop with the intention of taking the pot away from you on the turn, which is called floating. To counter floating you can respond by betting again on the turn with an appropriate frequency.

Your opponents can also try to counter your c-bets by raising them in position or check-raising when they're out of position, so you should expand the range of hands that you're willing to take to a showdown against them.

You can adjust by calling their raise on the flop, or simply by calling with your top pair hands instead of folding them on the flop, which is going to punish those raises and you can continue to expand your range.

In addition, opponents might try to counter your c-bets by leading into you, so you should float them yourself, call them on the flop in order to take the pot away from them on the turn, or you can raise against this lead.

Implement these winning poker strategies in your own play and learn how to maximize value as the first-in raiser with these key adjustments!

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  • The WPT GTO Trainer to play real solved hands and get instant feedback on YOUR leaks (over 4 BILLION solved spots!)
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  • All of your poker questions answered with the Ask a Pro Feature
  • Expert analysis from LearnWPT Pros using The Hand Input Tool
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......................................................................................................................... ..........................TRAIN - PLAY - THINK LIKE A PRO!

Poker Math Shortcuts With LearnWPT- Pot Odds Explained


✔ Do you know what poker math is and when it should be used at the poker table?

✔ Is it really that important to understand for poker players?

✔ ​​Do you know when a situation becomes profitable based on Pot Odds?

💡Let us show you how poker math works and how you can use it to improve your poker decisions and get confidence for your next poker session.

Many people hate math, but there's no escaping its importance at the poker table.

The truth is that you don't need to be an expert at poker math to beat the games, however, using poker math is definitely something that differentiates the best poker players from the average ones.

So, if you want to upgrade your poker strategy and improve your win rate, make sure your poker math knowledge is up to par!

💡Math is a tool we use to calculate Pot Odds and determine our chances of winning during the decision-making process.

Many people play poker and there are many different strategies for winning. However, players need to remember no matter what strategy you use or how good your luck might be, poker is a game of probabilities.

💡There are a specific number of cards in the deck and a certain probability that outcomes will occur.

When we use poker math, we use it to make the right decision and calculate if the odds are in our favor. This means that poker math can be helpful when determining when our hand is a winning one.

Poker math tells us whether it's worth putting money into the pot to chase after a particular card and how likely you are to hit it.

To understand how poker math actually works you need to become familiar with 2 key elements - Outs and Pot Odds. These two elements are crucial for the decision-making process.

So let's get started!


💡Outs are cards that need to come on the flop, turn, or river that are likely to improve your hand.

When evaluating a poker hand the first step is to consider how many outs we have and how likely it is that an out will be dealt in the specific scenario.

To understand the basic concept of Outs, you can check LearnWPT Episode 37, which explains how to do basic Outs calculations in shortcuts.

If you haven't already reviewed the Episodes on Outs and Pot Odds, you definitely should check those before diving into the world of poker math.

Pot Odds

💡The Pot Odds are the odds a player gets to continue in hand, or more specifically a ratio comparing the size of the pot to the size of the bet.

To determine pot odds, determine how much is in the pot and then compare that amount to how much it costs to call the bet. Note that any opponent's current bet is considered part of the pot.

Your poker decisions should be fundamentally based on pot odds. The key to profitable poker is understanding pot odds and basic math so that when it comes time for decisions, you will be able to consistently make profitable ones!

Understanding the odds is also key to playing draws effectively. After some practice, basic odds calculations won't take you a lot of time at the table and will help improve your poker strategy by using simple math.

Your goal for learning about odds is to gain a repeatable skill to help evaluate decisions based on facts and data.

💡Think of pot odds in terms of a risk/reward ratio.

Pot Odds are the ratio how much is in the pot to win versus how much we risk to win it. Or more simply how much is in the pot already to how much we have to call to continue in hand.


The Rule of 2

The best way to learn is from an example:

The Rule of 2 is a shortcut to calculating your percentage chance of hitting one of your outs on the next card to come. To use the Rule of 2, multiply the number of outs x 2 and the result gives you the percentage chance of hitting one of your outs on the next card.

In this example, we have 9♣️8♣️. The board is 34♣️Q♣️ so we have a flush draw and we are heads up on the flop. Our single opponent bets $1000 into $1000 pot. Remember that when talking about pot odds, we have to include any bet from our opponent that is already in the pot. So in this situation, there is $1000 in the pot plus our opponent's $1000 bet meaning the total amount that we could potentially win by continuing is now $2000.

The next step is to compare the total amount we could potentially win to the amount it costs us to call. In this case, it costs us $1000 to continue and there is $2000 in the pot. So our pot odds are 2:1. There are two units to win, and it costs us one unit to call.

As a rule of thumb, you can know that any time you are facing a pot-sized bet you're getting 2 to 1 pot odds.

What about The Rule of 4?

The Rule of 4 is applied in mostly the same fashion as the rule of 2 except that it can only be used on the flop when one player is all-in and you are facing the decision to call.

As an example, let's say you have 9♣️8♣️. The board is 34♣️Q♣️ so we have a flush draw and your opponent goes all-in.

In this case, you would determine how many outs you have to make your flush, then multiply by 4 to determine the percentage chance of hitting your flush. There are 13 total cards of each individual suit and we can see 4 of them currently (2 in our hand and 2 on the board), so we can subtract 4 from 13 and get a result of 9 outs.

Then using the rule of 4 we multiply 4 x 9 for a result of 36, so we have a 36 percent chance of hitting our flush draw on the next 2 cards to come. It is important to only use the Rule of 4 for situations where you are in the flop facing an all-in and guaranteed to see the next 2 cards if you call.

To determine whether calling all-in on the flop is profitable or not, you need to figure out your chance of winning by using the Rule of 4.

Here are some tips for practicing:

When practicing your poker strategy, start paying attention to pot odds and how to apply the Rule of 2 or The Rule of 4 to determine your percentage chance of winning.

✔ If you're all-in on the flop and your pot odds are greater than your chance of making your hand, continuing in the hand is profitable.

✔ If your pot odds are worse than your hand odds, then it's not profitable to continue.

✔ If pot odds and the chance of hitting are precisely the same, it's a break-even decision.

Watch LearnWPT Strategy Episodes on this subject to get comfortable with poker math and keep in mind the fundamentals of pot odds at all times.

Check out Episode number 41 and Episode number 39 for more about this topic and others we are discussing in this article.

Implied Odds

Now that you have the basics on determining pot Odds and Outs, we can introduce another key concept of poker math, Implied Odds.

Implied Odds are an important factor when determining profitable preflop calling, including only calling with speculative type hands for less than 5% of the effective stack in a multi-way pot.

We are investing a small amount now with the expectation of being able to win a larger amount later. And that's at the heart of implied odds.

💡Implied odds are basically when we're not getting the correct direct pot odds to call the current bet, however, if we call now we anticipate winning more chips on future streets.

We are hoping to make up for the fact that we're not getting the right direct odds right now in exchange for the possibility of winning more chips think we can win more in the future.

When it comes to using implied odds for decisions on the flop and turn, it's crucial to understand when you are getting them. A few factors can help you determine whether or not you are getting implied odds in a specific situation:

💡Look at chip stacks. You need to ensure that there are additional chips to win on a future street to make up the difference. If your opponents are all-in or nearly all-in, then you may not be able to win enough chips to make up for calling without proper odds on previous streets. As a general rule of thumb, the deeper chip stacks are, the easier it is to win additional chips on a future street and more likely you have implied odds.

💡Look at the position. Because you are last to act, you are going to be winning more on average from in position than out of position. Of course, like in every rule, there are a few exceptions but it's rare to have an advantage from out of position. Once you have a position, it's easier to extract more chips from your opponent on future streets. That means that your implied odds go up when you're in position and go down when you're at a position.

💡Look at the number of opponents. The more opponents that you have in hand, the more likely you are to get paid off. When you have just one opponent, they often just fold if you take aggressive action. So if you hit you're draw on a future street against one opponent, many times they'll just check and fold. In the case of multiple opponents, you're much more likely to get paid off as the likelihood that one of your opponents will have a hand that they will continue with increases. The more opponents you have to postflop, the better your implied odds are with your draw.

💡Estimate your opponent's range of hands. Ask yourself how likely your opponent is to have a good hand or a premium hand. For example, if an opponent had raised in an early position at the table, then you're more likely to extract chips from that opponent post-flop after you hit your draw. That is because their range is comprised more of premium hands and they are much more likely to have a hand to pay you off with. When an opponent raises from an early position or otherwise indicates they have a narrow range of hands or premium hand, then your implied odds go up. It will be much easier on average to win chips from an early position opponent when you hit your draw.

💡Look at how disguised your draws are. It is well known that some draws are more evident than others. The most obvious draws tend to be flush draws, and you can spot flush draws on the flop fairly easily. More disguised would be the straight draws. Your implied odds tend to go up as you get more disguised with your draws. While straight draws have one fewer out than flush draws (eight vs nine outs), they actually have better implied odds because the straight draw is often more hidden.

Now that you’ve learned how to determine the 2 most critical components of poker math (Outs and Pot Odds) it is time to practice!

Stay focused on practicing counting your outs, looking at your pot odds, calculating your hand odds, and analyzing whether you have implied odds. Review episodes multiple times and remember, practice makes it perfect!

Our goal with LearnWPT is to empower players to ask questions, help them stay focused on the key factors that affect play, and provide answers from winning professionals through a solid game plan.

We’ve helped players from around the world from all experience and skill levels, and we can help you fix leaks fast and learn new strategies that can help you have more fun playing poker.

Improve Your Game Today!
Join LearnWPT and Get:


  • The WPT GTO Trainer to play real solved hands and get instant feedback on YOUR leaks (over 4 BILLION solved spots!)
  • On-demand access to our full library of 500+ (and growing) in-depth Strategy Episodes from world-class players
  • All of your poker questions answered with the Ask a Pro Feature
  • Expert analysis from LearnWPT Pros using The Hand Input Tool
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables
  • Strategy from a Team of world-class Professional Players and Instructors

To join (just $5 your 1st month) click the button below and start improving your game!

Have Questions about LearnWPT?
Email us at [email protected].

On Tour: 2022 WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown


The World Poker Tour's 20th Season Is in Full Swing!

Our next stop is Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, FL this April for the $3,500 WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown Championship. Join this massive field of professional and recreational players sure to flock to Florida to test their skills and compete for the title of the next WPT Champion - including Team LearnWPT.

The huge $3 Million Guaranteed prize pool is destined to attract a record-shattering number of players and a life-changing first prize (ICU Nurse Brek Schutten claimed $1.2 million and a WPT Title in May).

LearnWPT Prepares You for the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown!

Think you have what it takes to navigate a tough tournament field and have your name etched on the Mike Sexton Champions Cup?


LearnWPT is here with some free expert strategy and tips to help get your game in shape and get you ready to have fun and crush the competition at WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown 🏆.

Get In on the Action ...

The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, FL is welcoming players back to their amazing resort and tournament venue with a full festival of poker action starting on March 24th. Kicking off the festival on the 24th is a $400 multi-flight $500K Guaranteed deepstack tournament and a ton of satellites into the Main Event!

This action packed series is capped off with Day 1A of the $3Million Guaranteed WPT Main Tour Event on April 8th. Re-entry Format - Day 1B on April 9th - Click for more information.


📅 Main Event Schedule:

Day 1A: Friday, April 8, 2022 starting at 11 a.m. ET
Day 1B: Saturday, April 9, 2022 starting at 11 a.m. ET (Registration will remain open until the start of Level 9)
Day 2: Sunday, April 10, 2022
starting at 12 p.m. ET
Day 3: Monday, April 11, 2022
starting at 12 p.m. ET
Day 4: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
starting at 12 p.m. ET
Final Table:
Filmed for TV and will take place on May 25, 2022 at HyperX Esports Arena Las Vegas

The super deep championship structure for this $3,500 event offers plenty of chances to outwit and outplay your opponents. Get ready to battle with the best and play for your share of the massive $3M Guaranteed prize pool.

🛰️ Satellite Tips to Help Win Your Way Into the Main Event

Satellite poker tournaments are a great way to play a larger buy-in event at a lower price so you don’t need to have big bucks to be in contention for a game-changing score. The Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown Festival has plenty of chances for you to win your way in the WPT Championship. See the full Festival Schedule here.

LearnWPT Instructors Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger and Katie Stone have a few key tips to help increase your edge.

Keys 🗝️ to Satellite Play

  • Everyone gets paid the same prize
  • No incentive to build a large stack once you are likely to win a seat
  • As the probability of winning a win a seat goes up, your ranges in all spots tighten up
  • There are times in a satellite poker tournament when players should never continue against an all-in
  • Satellites are the only form of poker where it can be correct to fold pocket Aces preflop
  • Pay very close attention to stack sizes and level changes!
  • Often in the satellite endgame 10BBs may be a big stack that is guaranteed to win a seat

Use the strategies below to sharpen your focus
and who knows, maybe you’ll turn a few bucks into a huge payday.

📽️ Play Better Poker With LearnWPT Live Stream at Seminole Hard Rock


Before the WPT Main Event, LearnWPT Instructor and Host Katie Stone will be talking poker strategy with special guest 2010-2019 World Poker Tour® Player of the Decade, winner of 4 WPT Main Tour Titles (the most in WPT history), and BetMGM Brand Ambassador Darren Elias, LIVE from Seminole Hard Rock on!

Check out this behind-the-scenes look at the recent Play Better Poker with LearnWPT stream with Tony Dunst from the HyperX Arena ...

Watch Katie & Tony's full conversation and previous Play Better Poker with LearnWPT streams on by clicking here.

Join us for the next Play Better Poker with LearnWPT Stream LIVE April 7th at 10am ET (7am PT) on!

Train With LuckyChewy Before the Event 🐐

The April 2nd-3rd LearnWPT Live at Hard Rock Tournament Strategy Workshop at Seminole Hard Rock was a HUGE success! During the 2-Day Interactive Workshop students were given access to proven techniques to help get them ready to take down the Mike Sexton Champions Cup 🏆 (and we had some fun too).

During a LearnWPT Live Workshop Instructors take turns being your coach and guide during Interactive Lab Sessions as they play simulated hands in a live tournament setting to practice the concepts just learned and give you direct feedback on your play.

Ready to join us Live? View the current schedule and sign up to get alerts when new events are added.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

5️⃣Tips for Deepstack Poker Tournament Play

While On Tour at WPTDeepStacks Championship at Thunder Valley Casino Resort Katie Stone and Tony Dunst took a break from the action to talk about some common mistakes they see players make when playing in deepstacked poker tournaments.

The early stages of a championship poker tournament with super deep structures like you find on the World Poker Tour require a specific strategy shift. It’s not uncommon for the average stack to equal 100 times the current big blind level or more during the first few hours in the tournament and you should focus on some strategic adjustments for these situations.

Anytime you find yourself in a deepstack poker tournament situation remember these 5 Strategies for deepstacked play:

Strategy Tip #1 - Adjust your First-In Ranges
Strategy Tip #2 - Be Cautious with 1-Pair Hands
Strategy Tip #3 - Don’t Call too Loose Preflop
Strategy Tip #4 - Attack Limpers
Strategy Tip #5 - Use Board Texture as Your Guide

Join Team LearnWPT On Tour at Hard Rock


Are you playing the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown? Stop and say Hi 👋 to the LearnWPT Team!

Michael "Gags30" Gagliano, LuckyChewy, Brian Altman, Katie Stone, Tony Dunst, and Adrian Naggy will be on site and in the action for the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown Championship!

Follow the Main Event action on or on Twitter at @WPTlive.

Brian-Altman-Episdoe 508 (1)

Check out this LearnWPT Strategy Episode preview from 3x World Poker Tour Champion, Season XVIII WPT Player of the Year, and LearnWPT Instructor Brian Altman as he breaks down a hand played On Tour recently at the WPT Lucky Hearts Poker Open.

Read more about Brian's accomplishments here.

Good Luck and Have FUN!


If you are playing in the WPT Poker Showdown and want to celebrate a victory or deep run with your poker family, email the LearnWPT Team to keep us updated. Also make sure to follow and tag us on Twitter @learnwpt, Facebook, or Instagram to share your success.

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

We hope you enjoyed these free strategies and tips from Team LearnWPT! Subscribe below for more FREE poker content.

Have Questions about LearnWPT? Send an email to our Support Team at [email protected] or click the red CONTACT US button.



Play Better Poker with LearnWPT LIVE - Welcomes 4X WPT Champion Darren Elias!


LearnWPT is honored to welcome Darren "The End Boss" Elias LIVE as the next guest for Play Better Poker!📺

Want to start playing better poker?

LearnWPT, the Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour®, is excited to announce a brand new episode of Play Better Poker with LearnWPT featuring Katie Stone and the all-time record holder for most WPT Main Tour wins Darren Elias starting at 10:00AM ET on April 7th LIVE from Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, FL!

Kickstart your poker game with an exclusive inside look into the mind of one of the greatest poker players in the WPT Universe. You'll have unparalleled access to hear directly from top players and power up your game plan with valuable tips and strategies!

Catch all of the action and be sure to RSVP for this amazing live show ↘️

Join the most successful poker players in the game as they share their secrets for Playing Better Poker! 🎙️

Watch this fast-paced online talk show including in-depth interviews with the top poker players in the WPT Universe, and discover how they learn and improve at poker through study tips and unique techniques featuring exclusive LearnWPT training tools and content.

Do you have 30 minutes to start Playing Better Poker? 🂡

With 15 years of experience as a professional poker player, LearnWPT Instructor Katie Stone is your personal guide for building a poker study routine and improving your game. You will not only be able to ask specific questions about your game and how to improve but also to get expert insight from some of the greatest in the game on how they consistently improve at poker, all while having fun!

Joining Katie LIVE from Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, FL on the next Play Better Poker with LearnWPT is 2010-2019 World Poker Tour® Player of the Decade, winner of 4 WPT Main Tour Titles (the most in WPT history), and BetMGM Ambassador - Darren Elias!

Sharpen your pencil ✏️ because it's time to take notes and ask questions to get answers from Katie and Darren - email your questions to [email protected].

Tune In to Hear Katie & Darren Talk About:

🡆 How elite players study to separate from the field in tournament poker.

🡆 The challenges of raising a family as a professional poker player.

🡆 What it takes to sustain a consistent level of excellence over time.

We know how difficult it can be to learn poker on your own, so we’re inviting you to study with Team LearnWPT!

Play Better Poker is designed to provide a place for poker players of all skill and experience levels to learn together! We'll teach you easy-to-use strategies to study and improve at Texas Hold’em, while also giving you unprecedented access to the mindset and approach to learning used by pro poker players. But don't worry - LearnWPT is a safe place to start your journey as a poker player, and we know that everyone learns at their own pace.

Submit questions before each show by emailing [email protected] and get the answer live. For more information and updates for the next show make sure you bookmark and check back often.

Meet Katie’s Guest All-Time World Poker Tour® and 4x Champion- Darren Elias!

Darren-Elias-WPT-End Boss.jpg

To say Darren Elias crushes World Poker Tour® events is an understatement of the decade.

Darren, a New Jersey resident, is the all-time WPT leader in wins, final tables, and cashes. Throughout his 15-year career Darren has demonstrated unbelievable consistency in performance and dominance whenever he is on the felt.

From preliminary events to high rollers, Darren’s incredible track record includes victories all across the globe with over $15M dollars in lifetime cashes between live and online poker. A high-stakes Pro with the ability to make optimal strategic decisions under pressure, Darren is one of the most admired, respected, and feared players in the game today.

In Season XIII, Darren Elias won his first World Poker Tour title at Borgata in what was the fourth-largest WPT field in history at that time, beating a field of 1,226 entries to win $843,744 in 1st prize money with a prize pool of over $3.9 million. Elias defeated Kane Kalas on the final hand of play, etching his name on the Mike Sexton Champion’s Cup for the first time.

Directly following his breakthrough win at Borgata, “The End Boss” as he is known by peers and rivals on the virtual and live felt, became the first player to win 2 WPT Titles back to back in the same season with a victory at WPT Caribbean. World Poker Tour wins 3 and 4 came for Elias at WPT Fallsview in Season XV and the WPT Bobby Baldwin Classic in Season XVI.

While he seems to thrive on the big stage of the WPT Final Table set, Elias is no stranger to success in other venues and tournament series. To date Darren has amassed an impressive $9.5M in career live earnings, with over $4M coming from his success on the World Poker Tour. When he’s not dominating the felt in main event and high rollers tournaments across the globe, Darren can be found playing online where he is a BetMGM Brand Ambassador.

🏆Check Out Darren's Winner's Interview and Witness "The End Boss" Announcement to the Poker World:

Meet Your Host Katie Stone


Katie Stone began her gaming career as a child in chess, and later on while in college she pioneered chess camps for kids across the country. She is a professional poker player and a staunch advocate with a focus on growing the game of poker. Katie is also a major proponent of using the decision-making skills and lessons learned in poker as a means to better navigate challenges and improve performance at work and in daily life. Throughout her 15 years long career as a poker professional, Katie has been constantly searching for new methods to master her poker skills and help other players Play Better Poker.

As an Instructor for Team LearnWPT Katie delivers expert strategy and a unique perspective on learning poker to the LearnWPT Membership. Her accolades in poker include being a 2x WSOP Circuit Ring Winner and $1.2 million combined live and online tournament earnings. In addition to her role as a LearnWPT Instructor, Katie is also a Content Producer and Commentator for LearnWPT.

Her front-row seat to the explosion of online poker and the evolution of poker study makes Katie a uniquely qualified resource for cash game and tournament strategies, detailed hand analysis, online vs live strategies, decision making in real-time at the table, adjusting for known opponent tendencies, using your feedback loop for improvement, as well as learning what it takes to succeed as a pro.

Have an Inside Look at Katie’s Quest to Play Better Poker:

Join Katie and Darren for an enlightening discussion about what it takes to sustain a consistent level of excellence over time, find out how elite players study to separate from the field in tournament poker, and discover the challenges of raising a family as a professional poker player.

Play Better Poker is designed to provide a place for poker players of all skill and experience levels to learn together and have fun! We'll teach you easy-to-use strategies to study and improve your poker game, while also giving you unprecedented access to the mindset and approach to learning used by professional players.

Whether you’re a new, returning, or already well-seasoned player – Play Better Poker is here to help and get you started learning valuable poker tips in a fast and fun 30 minute LIVE poker strategy show. Join us!


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Join LearnWPT and Get:


  • The WPT GTO Trainer to play real solved hands and get instant feedback on YOUR leaks (over 4 BILLION solved spots!)
  • On-demand access to our full library of 500+ (and growing) in-depth Strategy Episodes from world-class players
  • All of your poker questions answered with the Ask a Pro Feature
  • Expert analysis from LearnWPT Pros using The Hand Input Tool
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables
  • Strategy from a Team of world-class Professional Players and Instructors

To join (just $5 your 1st month) click the button below and start improving your game!

Have Questions about LearnWPT?
Email us at [email protected].

Play Better Poker with LearnWPT Live Stream - Featuring Guest Tony Dunst


Watch LIVE with WPT Commentator & Champion, High-Stakes Pro Tony Dunst! 📺

LearnWPT, the Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour®, proudly presents Play Better Poker with Instructors Katie Stone and Tony Dunst starting at 12:00 PM PT on March 14th LIVE from the HyperX Arena in Las Vegas!

If your goal is to kickstart your poker game, then look no further. You'll have unparalleled access to hear directly from top players and get valuable strategies to improve your game plan!

Catch all of the action and be sure to RSVP for this amazing live show ↘️

Listen as the most successful poker players in the game share their secrets about how to Play Better Poker! 🎙️

Watch this fast-paced online talk show including in-depth interviews with the top poker players in the WPT Universe, and discover how they learn and improve at poker through study tips and unique techniques featuring exclusive LearnWPT training tools and content.

Do you have 30 minutes to start Playing Better Poker? 🂡

With 15 years of experience as a professional poker player, LearnWPT Instructor Katie Stone is your personal guide for building a poker study routine and improving your game. You will not only be able to ask specific questions about your game and how to improve but also to get expert insight from some of the greatest in the game on how they consistently improve at poker, all while having fun!

Joining Katie LIVE from HyperX Arena in Las Vegas on the next Play Better Poker is Champion of the Season XII Caribbean Main Event, WPT Commentator, and member of Team LearnWPT - Tony Dunst!

Sharpen your pencil ✏️ because it's time to take notes and ask questions to get answers from Katie and Tony - email your questions to [email protected].

Tune In to Hear Katie & Tony Talk About:

🡆 The importance of committing to a study routine for improvement.

🡆 Why building a poker network is vital to success at the highest levels.

🡆 Balancing the demands of travel and work while staying on top of your game.

We know how difficult it can be to learn poker on your own, so we’re inviting you to study with Team LearnWPT!

Play Better Poker is designed to provide a place for poker players of all skill and experience levels to learn together! We'll teach you easy-to-use strategies to study and improve at Texas Hold’em, while also giving you unprecedented access to the mindset and approach to learning used by pro poker players. But don't worry - LearnWPT is a safe place to start your journey as a poker player, and we know that everyone learns at their own pace.

Submit questions before each show by emailing [email protected] and get the answer live. For more information and updates for the next show make sure you bookmark and check back often.

Meet Your Host Katie Stone


Katie Stone began her gaming career as a child in chess, and later on while in college she pioneered chess camps for kids across the country. She is a professional poker player and a staunch advocate with a focus on growing the game of poker. Katie is also a major proponent of using the decision-making skills and lessons learned in poker as a means to better navigate challenges and improve performance at work and in daily life. Throughout her 15 years long career as a poker professional, Katie has been constantly searching for new methods to master her poker skills and help other players Play Better Poker.

As an Instructor for Team LearnWPT Katie delivers expert strategy and a unique perspective on learning poker to the LearnWPT Membership. Her accolades in poker include being a 2x WSOP Circuit Ring Winner and $1.2 million combined live and online tournament earnings. In addition to her role as a LearnWPT Instructor, Katie is also a Content Producer and Commentator for LearnWPT.

Her front-row seat to the explosion of online poker and the evolution of poker study makes Katie a uniquely qualified resource for cash game and tournament strategies, detailed hand analysis, online vs live strategies, decision making in real-time at the table, adjusting for known opponent tendencies, using your feedback loop for improvement, as well as learning what it takes to succeed as a pro.

Have an Inside Look at Katie’s Quest to Play Better Poker:

Meet Katie’s Guest LearnWPT Instructor, WPT Commentator & Champion- Tony Dunst!


Tony Dunst is one of the original online poker professionals who helped usher in the poker boom and who cultivated his experience and natural talent into an eloquently presented yet appropriately witty style that has captivated poker fans for over a decade.

A high-stakes pro and one of the most unique personalities in the poker industry, Tony joined the World Poker Tour as host of the WPT Raw Deal segment and spent seven seasons analyzing some of the most pivotal hands from WPT events.

Through these segments, the poker world was introduced to a whole new method of hand analysis as used by professional players, in an entertaining and engaging manner.

When Mike Sexton announced his retirement from the WPT commentary booth, it was only natural for Tony to be promoted into the role starting with Season XVI.

Tony's rise as a force on the live poker scene coincided with his breakout performances each week on new episodes of the World Poker Tour, and his success was launched on a familiar felt.

Tony was able to etch his name on the Mike Sexton WPT Champions Cup in Season XII, winning WPT Caribbean. Not long after in 2016 Tony added another marquee title to his poker resume when he won a WSOP gold bracelet. Tony won his second WSOP bracelet in 2020 and his first WSOP Circuit Ring in 2021 adding to his long list of accomplishments.

In addition to being widely recognized for his prowess as an expert poker player and commentator, he has written articles on dozens of topics both within and outside of poker. With his candor and over-sized personality, Tony quickly developed a loyal following of fans, who are often rewarded with his well-informed and lightening-quick takes via his social media platforms and during WPT broadcasts.

As a member of Team LearnWPT, Tony continues to share his proven poker tips and tricks through Strategy Episodes, Webinars, and interactive Live Workshops.

Check Out The Top 10 Online Poker Tells From Tony Dunst:


Join Katie and Tony for an enlightening discussion about the importance of committing to a study routine, find out why building a poker network is vital to success, and discover how these pros balance the demands of travel and work while staying on top of your game.

Play Better Poker is the perfect opportunity for you to get started on your poker learning journey in a fun and engaging way. Join us for a fascinating conversation with one of the most unique personalities in the poker industry and the WPT Universe, Tony Dunst. Watch for valuable strategies that will help improve your play and help you have more fun at the table!

There is no time like the present to start making changes in your poker game. You'll learn strategies from a legendary player and pick up tips that will help you improve quickly!

Whether you’re a new, returning, or already well-seasoned player – Play Better Poker is here to help and get you started learning valuable poker tips in a fast and fun 30 minute LIVE poker strategy show. Join us!

Subscribe below to receive FREE poker strategy content, quizzes, downloadable tools, and more.

LearnWPT Poker Hands of the Month - Playing Aces


Ok, so you know Pocket Aces are the best hand you can be dealt preflop...

BUT do you know:

➟ When to hold 'em?

➟ When to fold 'em?

➟ When to walk away?

➟ When to run?

Practice your decision-making skills with everyone's favorite hand by reviewing this collection of Poker Hand examples featuring the illustrious "pocket rockets":

A♠A♦ on the Turn

In a Cash Game, you raise from Under the Gun with A♠A. It folds around to the Small Blind who calls. The Big Blind folds. The Flop comes K♣26♠. The Small Blind checks, you bet, the Small Blind raises. You call. The Turn is the 9. The Small Blind checks.

🡆 Do you Check or Bet?

AA on the Turn - updated

A♠A♥ vs a Flop Check-Raise

In this cash game scenario a UTG+2 player calls, you raise from the hijack seat with A♠A, it folds around to UTG+2 who calls your raise. The flop comes 269♠, the UTG+2 player checks, you bet, and UTG+2 check-raises.

🡆Would you fold, call or reraise?

AA vs Flop check-raise - updated

A♦A♥ on the River

In a Tournament, you are dealt AA in an early position and you raise. It folds around to the Big Blind who calls. The Flop comes Q♣Q5♠. The Big Blind checks, you bet, and the Big Blind calls. The Turn is the T. The Big Blind checks and you check behind. The River is the Q♠. The Big Blind checks, you bet, and the Big Blind raises All-In.

🡆What do you do here?

AA on the River - updated

Trip Aces vs a River Bet

In a Tournament, the UTG player raises preflop, MP2 calls, you call with A♣5♣ and the other players fold. The flop comes AA4♣. UTG and MP2 check and you bet. UTG calls and MP2 folds. The turn is the K. UTG checks, you bet, and UTG calls. The river is the Q♠, and UTG shoves all-in.

🡆Action is on you, what do you do?

Trip Aces vs River Bet - updated

Set of A♠A♣ vs a Check-Raise

In a Cash Game, UTG+1 calls and so does UTG+2, both Middle Position players, and the Hijack. You are in the Cutoff seat with A♠A♣. You raise and it folds around to MP1 who calls. All other players fold and it’s heads up to the flop, which comes KA7. MP1 checks and you bet. MP1 raises. Facing this raise from MP1, what is your play?

🡆Do you fold, call, raise or go all-in?

AA vs a check-raise - updated

When playing a poker hand, it's very important to look at all the hands in your range and not just the hand you hold. Pocket aces are the strongest hand in the game preflop, however sometimes it’s pretty obvious that your hand is behind postflop and you need to be present and engaged enough to know when you are beat and fold.

Understanding and mastering strategies such as fundamental 1-Pair Betting Lines, Relative Hand Strength Postflop, and Pot Odds, will give you the opportunities to exert skill edge against your opponents and play your aces effectively.

The concept of betting lines is crucial to understanding your overall game plan.

A betting line is the plan of actions taken across multiple streets, the blueprint of how to play various types of hands. If you have good betting lines that you use in your game plan, you shouldn't think street by street or find yourself on the turn without a plan for the hand.


With 1-Pair hands, specifically a top pair or an over pair, it's important to know when to continuation bet postflop, up against a single opponent and when to take a cautious approach. If you are just focused on the specific hand you hold and not on the situation, you may end up trying to get three streets of value where it's not profitable and find yourself up against much better hands by the time there's a showdown at the river.

Relative hand strength refers to your hand strength changing based on the situation, so your goal should be to start seeing poker situationally and pay attention to the number of opponents that saw the flop with you.

Number of opponents is key to relative hand strength because the more players that see the flop, the stronger the average hand at showdown. You should also pay attention to how coordinated that flop is, for example how many draws are present, how close together and rank those cards are.

Board texture will influence how likely it is that anybody has hit the flop. It’s also very important to note how position can change from preflop to postflop, where from the blinds for example, you can start the hand as last to act preflop but have to act first after the flop.

Stack depth is another crucial factor that you need to consider in every hand that you play, as the deeper the stacks are, the better hand you need to get all your chips in the middle.

Tying all these concepts together, in every single hand that you play postflop you should pay attention to estimate of opponent hand ranges based on actions taken. Note how your opponents played the hand thus far and what type of hand ranges would you put a reasonable opponent on that took those actions.

Lastly, when deciding whether to continue in a hand it’s essential to look at the Pot odds you are being offered in a hand to determine appropriate risk/reward.

Pot odds refers to how much is already in the pot for you to win versus how much you risk in order to win it, or in other words how much is already in the pot compared to how much you have to call in order to continue in the hand. As a quick reference you can always remember that you are facing a one pot-sized bet, the pot odds are 2 to 1, and if the bet is half-pot sized, your pot odds are 3 to 1.

We hope you enjoy these hands and that the strategies you learn will have you singing instead of crying the next time you are dealt the mighty pocket aces.

🗣️🎶 You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done 🎶

(Sorry we got carried away....)

Keep on practicing!

PS: a Membership with LearnWPT is the easiest and fastest way to add more levels of complexity and nuance to your game. Members have access to over 150+ scenarios like this to practice their decision-making skills!

How are these scenarios helping your game?

Post your answers in the comments below.

Welcome Brian Altman to Team LearnWPT!


We Are Excited To Welcome New LearnWPT Instructor, Brian Altman!

Brian Altman or "Alty" as he is known by fellow rounders on the virtual and live poker felt, has been playing poker professionally for almost 15 years and is universally considered to be one of the greatest tournament players in the world.

His career successes include $5.7 million in worldwide tournament earnings in live poker alone. Brian's record on the WPT Main Tour is nothing short of stellar, including 3 World Poker Tour titles, 7 final table appearances, and honors as Season XVIII Player of the Year.


Brian has demonstrated a level of consistency and execution in the most high pressure spots that is seldom matched by his peers. In 2015 Brian won his first WPT Title at the Season XIII Lucky Hearts Poker Open in a $3500 buy-in event. "Alty" proved triumphant by outlasting an entire field of 1,027 players, earning $723,008.

Alty followed up his Season XIII win by outlasting the competition and came out the victor at the WPT Lucky Hearts Poker Open in Season XVIII giving him the distinction of being the only poker player to win the same WPT Event in back to back seasons.

During the recent Play Better Poker with LearnWPT Live Stream, Brian sat down with fellow LearnWPT Instructor Katie Stone to talk about his success in playing poker tournaments and the importance of maintaining a mindset for growth and learning. Check out the interview with Brian and Katie here.

Some of Brian Altman's Accomplishments:

  • 3x World Poker Tour Champion
  • 3x WSOP Circuit Ring Winner
  • WPT Season XVIII Player of the Year
  • More than $5.7 million in live tournament earnings alone
  • Multiple Final Table Appearances in High Profile Tournaments including WPT, WSOP, and PokerStars

Brian's success is born from a mindset focused on self-improvement and lifelong learning. His respect for and dedication to the game make him the ideal ambassador to represent LearnWPT and the game of poker.

We are excited to bring Brian's winning style and championship mindset to our Students through upcoming Strategy Episodes, Live Webinars, and Workshops.

Help us welcome Alty to the team!

Improve Your Game Today!
Join LearnWPT and Get:


  • The WPT GTO Trainer to play real solved hands and get instant feedback on YOUR leaks (over 4 BILLION solved spots!)
  • On-demand access to our full library of 500+ (and growing) in-depth Strategy Episodes from world-class players
  • All of your poker questions answered with the Ask a Pro Feature
  • Expert analysis from LearnWPT Pros using The Hand Input Tool
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables
  • Learn from a Team of world-class Professional Players and Instructors

To join (just $5 your 1st month) click the button below and start improving your game!

Have Questions about LearnWPT?
Email us at [email protected].

Tips To Improve Your Satellite Poker Tournament Play!

Satellite poker tournaments are a great way to play a larger buy-in event at a lower price. So you don’t need to have big bucks to be in contention for a game-changing score, LearnWPT is here to help increase your edge with key adjustments for satellite play.

Use the strategies below to sharpen your focus and who knows, maybe you’ll turn a few bucks into a huge payday.

Should You Play a 🛰️ Satellite Differently?


Approaching satellite play with the same strategy used in a regular poker tournament will often result in you busting when you would otherwise have a seat to the target tournament locked up.

Watch this Strategy Episode from LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger as he discusses the key strategic adjustments you need to make when playing Satellite Poker Tournaments.

Need Help Closing The Deal?

In this LearnWPT Strategy Episode watch and learn as Nick Binger reviews several key hands from a Satellite to highlight the unique adjustments during the endgame.

These strategy concepts could help you avoid busting on the bubble and secure your seat to a WPT Championship!

The Keys 🗝️ to Satellite Play

  • Everyone gets paid the same prize
  • Make sure you know the rules of the Satellite you are playing and how to secure your seat
  • Satellites can be played a number of ways, from traditional freezeout, to milestone, to shootout format
  • No incentive to build a large stack once you are likely to win a seat
  • As the probability of winning a seat goes up, your ranges in all spots tighten up
  • There are times in a satellite poker tournament when players should never continue against an all-in
  • Satellites are the only form of poker where it can be correct to fold pocket Aces preflop
  • Pay very close attention to stack sizes and level changes!
  • Often in the satellite endgame 10BBs may be a big stack that is guaranteed to win a seat

Quiz Time! Test Your Satellite Skills

In a Satellite with AK Facing an All-In-static

In a satellite poker tournament where blinds are 900/1,800 with a 1,800 big blind ante there are 11 players remaining with 6 players winning a $7,200 main event package. Places 7-10 get $1050 in cash and 11th gets $100. You are currently in 6th chip position.

The Cutoff (who is the short stack at the table) moves all-in for 28,400. Action folds around to you in the Big Blind with A♥K♦ and 28,000 behind. Action is on you, what do you do here?


Select your answer above to get insight from the LearnWPT Pros!

It’s YOUR Turn to Play!

Picture yourself as one of 6 remaining players in a Satellite. How do you play your 30 Big Blind stack against a call from a tough chip leader with two short stacks in play and lock up your seat?


Payouts: 1st = 20%, 2nd = 14%, 3rd = 9%, 4th = 6.7%, 5th = 5%, 6th = 4%

Click below to play a free Final Table sample pack from the WPT GTO Trainer to see firsthand how decisions change at the final table.

Here are some tips when practicing with the WPT GTO Trainer:

  • Your goal is to select the action for each individual hand that is as close to 0.00 EV as possible
  • EV Loss of 0.00 is the same action a GTO Player would take
  • 0.00 EV Loss means you broke even against a GTO Player
  • EV Loss Color Coding Hint:
    • Green = Near GTO Play
    • Orange = Take Caution
    • Red = Probable Leak in Your Game

Members can practice more hands from this scenario anytime by playing the 30BB Button Open Vs 70BB Big Blind Call WPT GTO Trainer Final Table pack! Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to play more WPT GTO Trainer scenarios like this.

How's your game going? Please share your success and let us know how these strategies changed your game! Follow and tag us on social media to share your pic with members of Team LearnWPT, show off your chip stack, or celebrate a deep run.

Facebook @learnwpt | Instagram @learn_wpt | X @LearnWPT

We love to hear how LearnWPT Students are doing and we can’t wait to share your success at the poker table!

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Improve Your Game Today!
Join LearnWPT and Get:


  • The WPT GTO Trainer to play real solved hands and get instant feedback on YOUR leaks (over 4 BILLION solved spots!)
  • On-demand access to our full library of 500+ (and growing) in-depth Strategy Episodes from world-class players
  • All of your poker questions answered with the Ask a Pro Feature
  • Expert analysis from LearnWPT Pros using The Hand Input Tool
  • Downloadable Tools you can use at and away from the tables
  • Learn from a Team of world-class Professional Players

To join (just $5 your 1st month) click the JOIN NOW button and start improving your game!

Have Questions about LearnWPT?
Email us at [email protected].

Play Better Poker with LearnWPT Live Stream - Featuring Guest Brian Altman


Get LIVE, first-hand tips from a 3x World Poker Tour Champion on how to improve your poker game! 📺

LearnWPT, the Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour®, proudly presents Play Better Poker with Instructors Katie Stone and Brian Altman starting at 10:00 AM EST on January 20th LIVE from the WPT Lucky Hearts Poker Open at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida!

If your goal is to kickstart your poker game, then look no further. You'll have unparalleled access to hear directly from top players and get valuable strategies to improve your game plan!

Catch all of the action and be sure to RSVP for this amazing live show ↘️

Listen as the most successful poker players in the game share their secrets about how to Play Better Poker! 🎙️

Watch this fast-paced online talk show including in-depth interviews with the top poker players in the WPT Universe, and discover how they learn and improve at poker through study tips and unique techniques featuring exclusive LearnWPT training tools and content.

Do you have 30 minutes to start Playing Better Poker? 🂡

With 15 years of experience as a professional poker player, LearnWPT Instructor Katie Stone is your personal guide for building a poker study routine and improving your game. You will not only be able to ask specific questions about your game and how to improve but also to get expert insight from some of the greatest in the game on how they consistently improve at poker, all while having fun!

Joining Katie LIVE on the next Play Better Poker show is 3x WPT Champion, Season XVIII Player of the Year, and the newest member of Team LearnWPT- Brian Altman!

Sharpen your pencil ✏️ because it's time to take notes and ask questions to get answers from Katie and Brian- Email your questions to [email protected].

Tune In to Hear Katie & Brian Talk About:

🡆 The importance of maintaining a mindset for growth and learning.

🡆 The value of having a community of trusted peers to help you learn and grow.

🡆 Why balance and family time are important to maintaining peak performance.

We know how difficult it can be to learn poker on your own, so we’re inviting you to study with Team LearnWPT!

Play Better Poker is designed to provide a place for poker players of all skill and experience levels to learn together! We'll teach you easy-to-use strategies to study and improve at Texas Hold’em, while also giving you unprecedented access to the mindset and approach to learning used by pro poker players. But don't worry - LearnWPT is a safe place to start your journey as a poker player, and we know that everyone learns at their own pace.

Submit questions before each show by emailing [email protected] and get the answer live. For more information and updates for the next show make sure you bookmark and check back often.

Meet Your Host Katie Stone


Katie Stone began her gaming career as a child in chess, and later on while in college she pioneered chess camps for kids across the country. She is a professional poker player and a staunch advocate with a focus on growing the game of poker. Katie is also a major proponent of using the decision-making skills and lessons learned in poker as a means to better navigate challenges and improve performance at work and in daily life. Throughout her 15 years long career as a poker professional, Katie has been constantly searching for new methods to master her poker skills and help other players Play Better Poker.

As an Instructor for Team LearnWPT Katie delivers expert strategy and a unique perspective on learning poker to the LearnWPT Membership. Her accolades in poker include being a 2x WSOP Circuit Ring Winner and $1.2 million combined live and online tournament earnings. In addition to her role as a LearnWPT Instructor, Katie is also a Content Producer and Commentator for LearnWPT.

Her front-row seat to the explosion of online poker and the evolution of poker study makes Katie a uniquely qualified resource for cash game and tournament strategies, detailed hand analysis, online vs live strategies, decision making in real-time at the table, adjusting for known opponent tendencies, using your feedback loop for improvement, as well as learning what it takes to succeed as a pro.

Have an Inside Look at Katie’s Quest to Play Better Poker:

Meet Katie’s Guest 3x WPT Champion and Season XVIII Player of the Year- Brian Altman!


Brian Altman or “Alty” as he is known by fellow rounders on the virtual and live poker felt, is universally considered to be one of the greatest tournament players in the world. Brian’s career spans over a decade and includes $5.5 million in worldwide tournament earnings in live poker alone, with $2.8 million of those winnings from the World Poker Tour.

As a 3x World Poker Tour Champion and the Season XVIII WPT Player of the Year, Brian has demonstrated a level of consistency and execution in the most high-pressure spots that is seldom matched by his peers. Before his ascent into the WPT record books, Brian cemented his legacy as an elite online poker player by winning the prestigious Pokerstars Yearly Tournament Leaderboard in 2010.

Brian’s success is born from a mindset focused on self-improvement and lifelong learning, including a commitment to personal health and fitness. An avid fan of hiking and travel, Brian balances his dedication to excellence at the table with personal interests away from the table including spending plenty of time with friends and family.

As the newest member of Team LearnWPT, Brian will reveal his winning approach for the first time and share his proven strategies through Strategy Episodes, Webinars, and interactive Live Workshops.

Check Out This Throwback from Brian’s WPT Seminole Hard Rock Lucky Hearts Win in 2020:

Join Katie and Brian for an enlightening discussion on his championship mindset, his dedication to self-improvement and lifelong learning, what makes learning fun, and the methods he uses to stay on top of today’s tough poker tournament fields.

Play Better Poker is the perfect opportunity for you to get started on your poker learning journey in a fun and engaging way. Join us for a fascinating conversation with the one and only poker legend, Brian Altman. Watch for valuable strategies that will help improve your play and help you have more fun at the table!

The year 2022 is the perfect time to start making changes in your poker game. You'll learn strategies from a legendary player and pick up tips that will help you improve quickly!

Whether you’re a new, returning, or already well-seasoned player – Play Better Poker is here to help and get you started learning valuable poker tips in a fast and fun 30 minute LIVE poker strategy show. Join us!

Subscribe below to receive FREE poker strategy content, quizzes, downloadable tools, and more.

LearnWPT Announces New Instructor Brian Altman


“3x WPT Champion, Season XVIII WPT Player of the Year Joins Team LearnWPT”

Las Vegas, NV – (January 14, 2022) – LearnWPT, the Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour® announced today the signing of Brian Altman as the newest member of Team LearnWPT. One of the most successful players in the 20 year history of the World Poker Tour, Brian will share his unique knowledge and experience with LearnWPT Members through digital and in-person training events.

“We are honored to welcome Brian to Team LearnWPT and are excited for members to benefit from his exceptional strategy and championship mindset,” said Adrian Naggy, LearnWPT COO. “Learning the expert insights behind his incredible consistency and ability to close the deal on the biggest stage will undoubtedly be an asset to players of all skill levels.”


The Longmeadow Massachusetts native is a dominant force on the felt, having made an incredible seven WPT Main Tour Final Tables and etching his name on the Mike Sexton Champions Cup three times. Brian’s impressive career spans over a decade and includes career tournament earnings of $5.5 million, with $2.8 million dollars in earnings from his performance in WPT Events.

“The opportunity to share my strategic knowledge and experience with the LearnWPT membership is truly exciting,” Altman explained. “I look forward to interacting with the community and creating engaging strategy content to help players improve their game.”


As an Instructor for LearnWPT’s on-demand poker training membership platform, the Season XVIII WPT Player of the Year will share his strategic approach for the first time through video Strategy Episodes, Member Webinars, and the interactive Ask a Pro feature.

In addition to creating exclusive online membership content Brian will take part in LearnWPT’s popular interactive Live Workshops. He joins an impressive roster of Instructors including Andrew “LuckyChewy” Lichtenberger, Tony Dunst, Michael Gagliano, and Katie Stone.

As an ambassador for LearnWPT Brian will attend special event experiences and create exclusive content from WPT Main Tour stops. The Season XX WPT Lucky Hearts Poker Open at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood Florida from January 21-26, 2022 will be Brian’s debut event as part of Team LearnWPT, and is the site of two of his three WPT Main Event victories netting nearly $1.8 million in total prize money.

Learn poker strategy from Brian Altman and the entire LearnWPT Team of Instructors!


Like a Pro!