These Poker Winners Choose LearnWPT Live - Will You?


On your path to improvement in poker, there is no better feeling than seeing results from your efforts. When you commit to taking action and follow a proven plan with dedication, anything is possible. There is no limit to what you can achieve with the correct focus and energy, especially with the support of experts and camaraderie of friends who are aligned toward the same goals.

Since 2016 more than 700 students have trusted LearnWPT Live Workshops to rapidly improve their poker game through immersive in-person training sessions. They’ve come to us from all walks of life with a wide range of experience and skills, all with the goal of becoming a better poker player.


We’ve had our fair share of huge results from LearnWPT Students, and it’s extra special to be a part of the cheering section when their dedication pays off! We know that you’ve been working hard on your game and that you are ready to take the next step just like these successful LearnWPT Workshop Students.

These Student success stories are just an example of the strategy, confidence, and insights you’ll gain by finally committing to a LearnWPT Live Workshop. If you’ve had doubts about investing in your game, these epic poker achievements should give you the nudge to attend the LearnWPT Live Tournament Strategy Workshop this December 4th & 5th at the incredible Wynn Las Vegas.


Find out why poker Students like Tammy, Sue, Scott, Lisa, Randy, Loren, Brett, and Sergio chose LearnWPT Live to upgrade their game!

Will YOU be our next Success Story?

Start by learning expert strategy from Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger, Tony Dunst, and Eric "Rizen" Lynch during the LearnWPT Live at Wynn Workshop this December 4th & 5th in Las Vegas! You’ll play real poker hands against fellow students as the world’s greatest poker minds give you personalized feedback and instantly plug leaks in your play.

LearnWPT Live at Wynn Las Vegas is limited to 30 attendees (and will sell out!), meaning students will receive unparalleled access to the greatest poker minds on the planet, giving their game specific attention and providing opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.

Train Then Win Your Seat to WPT Prime!

After training with Team LearnWPT for 2 days, the Workshop concludes with an exclusive satellite* awarding the top 2 finishers each a seat to the $5 Million Guaranteed WPT Prime Championship held at the Wynn Las Vegas on December 7-12.

Don't miss your chance to train for 2 days with elite poker minds in a luxurious and welcoming environment, then play in an exclusive satellite against fellow Students for a shot at WPT Glory!

It’s time to find out for yourself why poker players from around the globe trust LearnWPT Live Workshops to keep their game sharp and stay on top of the competition.

Have questions? Email the Support Team at [email protected] or (888) 600-5593 with any questions and we will be happy to help!

*The $1,100 WPT Prime Championship Passports are non-transferable and have no cash value. Winner must play the awarded event seat within the prescribed prize redemption period. View the FAQ section for more information.

LearnWPT Poker Study Session: Postflop Strategy


Photo credit: Drew Amato

In any given hand of tournament poker the community cards (flop, turn, and river) can change equities dramatically and quickly force difficult decisions for your entire chip stack.

Accurate assessment of ranges for each opponent based on position and how they enter the pot preflop play a vital role in your approach to postflop play. Recognizing the different types of board textures and analyzing how each changes the likely actions of your opponent is crucial for maximizing value on your big hands and avoiding costly mistakes deep in tournaments.

Over the next 2 months Team LearnWPT is hosting Poker Study Sessions for Members to get their game ready to dominate the 2023 WPT® World Championship Festival at Wynn Las Vegas.

For each poker Study Session we'll provide Members with a curriculum that focuses on specific concepts and habits essential for tournament success and our 4th Study Session is focused on Postflop Strategy!

First, watch the selected Episodes, play the WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have.
Then join Team LearnWPT LIVE on Wednesday, November 1st at 6PM ET / 3PM PT to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Let's Get Started...

Study Session 4: Postflop Strategy

If you’re planning to make a deep run in the $5M GTD WPT Prime Championship or $40M GTD WPT World Championship (or both!), making sure your postflop strategy is strong and adaptable is crucial. There will be many deep-stacked spots postflop where you will be facing tough decisions and potentially have your tournament life in the balance.

Our next Study Session is all about getting you geared up to attack flops with properly sized c-bets, identify spots to float aggressive opponents, and give you the tools to make huge laydowns and big hero calls when the pressure is on. We’ll discuss how to approach tough opponents and break down exploitative adjustments to max value when you have a skill edge.

Save the Date: Live Session November 1st

Wynn-WC-Study-Session-Postflop-Live-Webinar (2)

Join Eric "Rizen" Lynch and Michael "Gags30" Gagliano for a LIVE Study Session on Wednesday, November 1st at 6PM ET | 3PM PT

Make sure you watch the selected Strategy Episodes, practice the suggested WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have. Join Rizen & Gags on November 1st to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

🤔 Send us your questions to [email protected] about postflop strategies and we’ll answer them during the Live Study Session.


Thanks to everyone who joined the Live Study Session!

Did you miss it? No worries! Members can rewatch the Study Sessions anytime on the Webinars Dashboard.

Playing Draws

Deeper effective stacks and championship blind levels means that you will be playing speculative cards at a higher frequency and flopping your share of draws. With skilled opponents and a reentry available, the frequency with which your opponents are likely to be taking chances with this category of hands also greatly increases.

Having a default process for determining pot odds and hand equity in real-time eliminates the anxiety around poker math. Add these simple rules for calculating outs and equity and quickly determine the pot odds you need to be profitable with a draw in any situation.


Watch this Strategy Episode as LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger gives you the key factors to consider when playing draws including playing from both in position and out of position pots.

Applying Pressure With Draws

Since you’ll be raising first-in with speculative combos at a higher frequency when deepstacked, it stands to reason that you’ll also be playing draws as the aggressor far more often.

While the math behind making your draws may be the same on the surface, there are several additional layers that dictate your strategy when leading the betting after flopping a draw.


Watch this Strategy Episode as Nick takes a deeper dive into the strategy behind playing draws aggressively including how a paired board can actually increase our hand equity.

🧮️ Time for a Math Lesson

Understanding Odds and Outs is a vital component to playing draws effectively. Here are some quick shortcuts to use on the felt when calculating Odds and Outs to simplify playing draws.

Outs - Rule of 2 and Rule of 4:

Rule of 2: Percentage of Hitting on the Next Card = Number of Outs * 2
Example: 8 Outs * 2 = 16% Chance

Rule of 4: (Calling an all-in with 2 or more cards to come only) Percentage of Hitting Next Card on Turn/River = Number of Outs * 4
Example: 12 Outs * 4 = 48% Chance

Adjustment over 8 Outs: Subtract number of outs over 8 from your Chance of Hitting
Example: 12 Outs * 4 = 48% Chance of Hitting
Example: 12 Outs - 8 = Adjustment of 4
Example: 48% - 4 = 44% Chance of Hitting

Rule of 2

Pot Odds -  Rules of Thumb:

When facing a pot sized bet the pot odds are always 2:1
When facing a half pot sized bet the pot odds are always 3:1
You can always round numbers to simplify
Compare Pot Odds vs Hand Odds. If Pot Odds are more favorable it is a profitable situation.

For more on poker Outs, Pot Odds, and Implied Odds check out...

  • Episode 37 Outs \ au̇tz \ noun: Any card that needs to come on the flop, turn, or river in order to improve your hand
  • Episode 39 Pot Odds \ pät ˈädz \ noun: A ratio comparing the size of the pot to the size of the bet
  • Episode 41 Implied Odds \ im-plī ˈädz \ noun: A ratio showing the relationship between the expected size of a pot and size of a bet

Have a Strategy question?
Email them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the November 1st Live Study Session.

Equity Advantage & Nut Advantage

What is Equity in Poker? The share of the pot that is yours based on the odds that you will win the pot at that point in play. Equity changes from street to street.

A solid understanding of equity helps you identify spots where you are ahead or behind enabling you to make the best betting decisions.


In this Strategy Episode Nick Binger introduces the concepts of Equity and Advantage and Nut Advantage. Tune in as Nick describes these concepts in detail and reveals how key tenants of the LearnWPT game-plan naturally account for them in

Quick Tips For Equity Vs Nut Advantage:

  • Equity Advantage: When a given hand range has more equity vs an opponent hand range. The preflop aggressor will have the Equity Advantage in most cases
  • Nut Advantage: When a hand range has more combinations of cards that make the best possible hand on a given board vs an opponent's hand range.

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to watch the full Episodes and attend the LIVE Study Session.

C-Betting Vs Tough Opponents

Whether in a cash game or tournament, continuation betting is a key part of postflop strategy. A strong default c-betting strategy will put most opponents on the defensive and result in winning many uncontested pots.

However, as you face more skilled opponents additional factors must be considered to ensure your c-bets are profitable. When facing tougher opponents, you’ll need to upgrade your approach and adjust how frequently you fire again on the flop after raising first-in.


Watch this Strategy Episode as Nick Binger explains how equity advantage, nut advantage, and your perceived range help you decide when to c-bet against tough opponents. Plus, Nick outlines the common spots vs tough opponents that are the most challenging.

Have a Strategy question? Email them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the November 1st Live Study Session.

Practice Your C-Betting Skills!

Visit your WPT GTO Trainer Dashboard and use the Refine Search to Filter by "Open Raise" under Situation. Want to be even more specific? Filter by Game Type, Hero Position, and Stack Sizes!


Practice, practice, practice. This is how the best poker players in the world continue to improve. Make it a goal to play at least 25 hands per day (takes about 10 minutes) and use the LearnWPT Membership Features to help implement what you are learning. Use the concepts learned in the C-Betting Episode to determine the Ideal Action!

Helpful Tip: Click the ☆ symbol next to the name of a pack you like! Starred packs will be sorted at the top of your WPT GTO Trainer Dashboard in the YOUR FAVORITES section.

Put Your Postflop Skills to the Test!


You are in the $5 Million Guaranteed WPT® Prime World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. You open raise from Middle Position to 2.5BBs with a 50BB Stack and it folds to the Big Blind who calls. Now what’s your plan on the flop??

Put your skills to the test with the WPT GTO Trainer and play 5 GTO solved hands from this situation. After playing get your score and a breakdown of the correct moves from Team LearnWPT!

LearnWPT Members can practice more hands from this scenario by playing the MP2 Open Vs Big Blind Call WPT GTO Trainer pack!

Here are some tips when practicing with the WPT GTO Trainer:

  • Your goal is to select the action for each individual hand that is as close to 0.00 EV as possible
  • EV Loss of 0.00 is the same action a GTO Player would take
  • 0.00 EV Loss means you broke even against a GTO Player
  • EV Loss Color Coding Hint:
    • Green = Near GTO Play
    • Orange = Take Caution
    • Red = Probable Leak in Your Game

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to play more WPT GTO Trainer scenarios like this.

Review Previous Poker Study Sessions Here!


A huge THANK YOU to every Student who’s joined us for the WPT World Championship Study Sessions.

You can rewatch any of the sessions right now by clicking the links below or on the Webinars Dashboard.

Study Session 1: Mental Game and Endurance
Study Session 2: Preflop Strategy
Study Session 3: Defense Strategy
Study Session 4: Postflop Considerations
Study Session 5: ICM, Bubble, and Satellite Strategy
Study Session 6: Exploits and Intuition

We’re in the home stretch now! Make sure to submit any questions or hands on trouble spots to Ask a Pro and we’ll get you ready to conquer Vegas.

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Improve Your Game With Team LearnWPT

Whether you are brand-new to poker training or you’re an experienced student this is your chance to learn from world-class professional poker players in a friendly community using state of the art tools.


You must be a LearnWPT Member to access and join the WPT® World Championship Study Sessions and becoming a member is easy! Click the red JOIN NOW button to get started.

As a Member you'll immediately gain access to LearnWPT Training and WPT GTO Trainer packs, featuring 500+ Strategy Videos, Downloadable Tools (and more).

You'll also get alerts and links to the Study Session curriculum and Webinar dates.

learnwpt logo black-transparent-cropped-resized

Train → Play → Think → Like a Pro

Have Questions about LearnWPT? Send an email to our Support Team at [email protected] or click the red CONTACT US button.

LearnWPT Poker Study Session: Defense Strategy


Photo credit: Drew Amato

Aggressive opponents and escalating blinds combine to create a paralyzing force during a major poker tournament, especially given the increased odds with a Big Blind Ante in play.

You will face raises with a high frequency throughout the course of a tournament and fortifying your defense strategy must be a big part of preparation. Focusing on the specific ranges that perform best in these spots and the typical postflop situations that result from Defense scenarios is essential to growing and protecting your chip stack.

Over the next 2 months Team LearnWPT is hosting Poker Study Sessions for Members to get their game ready to dominate the 2023 WPT® World Championship Festival at Wynn Las Vegas.

For each poker Study Session we'll provide Members with a curriculum that focuses on specific concepts and habits essential for tournament success and our 3rd Study Session is focused on Defense Strategy!

First, watch the selected Episodes, download the charts, play the WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have.
Then join Team LearnWPT LIVE on Thursday, October 19th at 6PM ET / 3PM PT to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Let's Get Started...

Study Session 3: Defense Strategy

Poker tournaments with excellent structures like the WPT World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas are full of aggressive opponents who attack blinds and pressure opponents to build their stacks. If you aren’t prepared for this level of aggression or lack confidence when facing a raise from the Blinds or on the Button, the likely result is indecision and bleeding chips.

In this Session we'll be talking about the specific strategies you can use when facing aggression in common Defense situations at the poker table. We'll also dive into the factors that you need to consider when deciding to defend in position vs out of position.

🤔 Send us your questions to [email protected] about defense strategies and we’ll answer them during the Live Study Session.

Save the Date: Live Session October 19th


Join Eric "Rizen" Lynch and Michael "Gags30" Gagliano for a LIVE Study Session on Thursday, October 19th at 6PM ET | 3PM PT

Make sure you watch the selected Strategy Episodes, practice the suggested WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have. Join Rizen & Gags on October 19th to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Send us your questions to [email protected] about defense strategy and we’ll answer them during the Live Study Session.


Thanks to everyone who joined the Live Study Session!

Did you miss it? No worries! Members can rewatch the Study Sessions anytime on the Webinars Dashboard.

🛡️ Defend Your Big Blind

The Big Blind Ante creates an increase in the frequency you should defend against a single open raiser. Increased pot odds preflop allows for Defending with shallower stacks more often, and the specific portions of your range that perform best across each stack size is constructed differently.

Upgrading your Big Blind Defense Strategy to focus on these specific stack size inflection points will reduce the stress around these decisions in real-time.


Watch this Strategy Episode from LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger for an in-depth look at Big Blind defense in tournaments with stacks ranging from 15BBs to 40BBs.

Tune in as Nick describes the strategy for each stack size based on open-raises from late, middle, and early position using detailed hand range charts* that you can download and use today.

Note: The advanced hand ranges featured in this Strategy Episode are the result of modifying Game Theory Optimal hand ranges to remove the need for randomizing and exclude some hand combinations that are infrequent in common live poker games.

Advanced Big Blind Defense - 15BBs-40BBs - Tournaments

Download the Big Blind Defense Hand Range Charts

Add the Big Blind Defense Strategy hand ranges to your study routine each day to build a mental snapshot of the hands you should call with against each position group across the stack sizes.

Use the Big Blind Defense charts to decide your response when facing a raise in the Big Blind against a single opponent and increase your chances of winning more chips in the Blinds.

Quick Tips For Using Hand Range Charts:

Note: The strategies outlined in the charts assume optimal responses from our opponents, and therefore may require some adjustment for player tendencies and raise sizes.

  • For example, all-in shoves (hands highlighted in dark red) with wider ranges as shallow stacks may be called at different frequencies with tighter or wider ranges.
  • You should raise with all hands highlighted in PINK. Do not call the minimum bet amount - RAISE!
  • Your raise sizing should be 3.5x-4x the total raise size - i.e. MP2 opens to 2x - your raise size should be 7BB to 8BBs total.
  • When calling (hands highlighted in GREEN), your default should always be to check first to act, even when you flop a huge hand. Defaulting to a check on the flop keeps your entire range balance and avoids betting pattern tells.

You’ll gain confidence vs aggressive opponents and have the tools to battle for tough pots from out of position!

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to watch the full Episodes, download the charts, and attend the LIVE Study Session.

Turn and River Play With Tony Dunst

With more opportunities to Defend your Big Blind, you’ll definitely be in some interesting postflop situations facing a wider range of hands. In many of these spots you’re likely to face a continuation bet so understanding which board textures are favorable and when bluffing may be an option is valuable. Navigating these pots from out of position without the equity advantage translates to more difficult decisions on every street.

To gain a true understanding of how tough these spots can be it’s essential to analyze postflop decisions in Big Blind Defense situations away from the table.


Join LearnWPT Instructor Tony Dunst as he explores 3 hands from recent sessions to break down optimal play on the turn and river when defending from the Big Blind. Watch this Strategy Episode as Tony uses PioSolver to demonstrate how ranges interact in this spot and what factors you should be accounting for.

🛡️ Tips for Defending Your Big Blind Like A Pro:

  • Avoid calling with offsuit hands, suited hands and speculative hands are best
  • This strategy only applies when you are up against 1 opponent and in the Big Blind
  • Make sure you only defend by calling with specific hands. Don’t remove 3-Betting from your game plan!
  • Defend with tighter calling range against larger open raise sizes
  • Default to checking the flop after you call the raise, no matter what cards you hold

Have a Strategy question? Email them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the October 19th Live Study Session.

🔘 Button Up Your Defense

The Button is the most powerful position at the table and it should be a priority to play as many hands as possible when you are in that seat. By entering the hand on the Button, you secure ultimate position postflop and can deploy a wide array of bluffs and creative plays on many board textures.

While position plays a major factor in your ability to win, playing just any 2 cards is not viable and there still needs to be a structured response strategy to maximize value.


In this Strategy Episode Nick Binger analyzes the hand ranges you should be using to Defend your Button in Tournaments. Watch as Nick details key range adjustments for each positional group and gives you shortcuts for adjusting to different player types in real-time.

The advanced hand range charts featured in the Button Defense Episodes are the result of modifying Game Theory Optimal hand ranges to remove the need for randomizing and exclude some hand combinations that are infrequent in common live poker games.

Button Defense Range Charts

Download a copy of the Button Defense ranges introduced in this Strategy Episode to defend your Button facing a single open raise.

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to watch the full Episodes, download the charts, and attend the LIVE Study Session.

Time to Test Your Button Defense Skills!

1011-14 Button Call Vs Cutoff Open - MTT

Picture yourself on the Button with a 50BB stack in the $5 Million Guaranteed prize pool WPT® Prime Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. Action folds to the player in the Cutoff who open raises 2.5BBs.

Put your skills to the test with the WPT GTO Trainer and play 5 GTO solved hands from this situation. After playing get your score and a breakdown of the correct moves from Team LearnWPT!

LearnWPT Members can play more hands from this common Button Defense spot with the Button Call Vs Cutoff Open WPT GTO Trainer pack and see firsthand the importance of defending your Button.

Defending Your Small Blind...

Improving your play from the Small Blind can have a dramatic impact on your tournament game and help avoid leaking chips due to critical mistakes. Spend time studying your Defense Strategy from the Small Blind and improve your play from the toughest seat at the table.


Watch this Strategy Episode as Nick introduces a tool for your tournament game-plan, Small Blind Defense. Nick also provides detailed hand ranges and discusses your approach to defending the Small Blind in Tournaments.

Small Blind Defense - Tournaments

Download a copy of the advanced Small Blind Defense ranges introduced in this Strategy Episode to defend your Small Blinds preflop facing a single open raise in tournaments.

Have a Strategy question? Email them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the October 19th Live Study Session.

Put Your Small Blind Defense Skills to the Test!

You are in the $40 Million Guaranteed prize pool WPT® World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. A Middle Position player open raises to 2.5BBs and action is on you in the Small Blind with a 50BB stack. You call the raise. Now what’s your plan on the flop??

Tip: Members can practice Small Blind Defense strategy with the newly released Small Blind Call Vs MP2 Open WPT GTO Trainer pack!

Pack 162 Hand Ranges (1)

Regular play on the WPT GTO Trainer will help you adjust your decisions closer and closer to GTO strategy.

Here are some tips when practicing with the WPT GTO Trainer:

  • Your goal is to select the action for each individual hand that is as close to 0.00 EV as possible
  • EV Loss of 0.00 is the same action a GTO Player would take
  • 0.00 EV Loss means you broke even against a GTO Player
  • EV Loss Color Coding Hint:
    • Green = Near GTO Play
    • Orange = Take Caution
    • Red = Probable Leak in Your Game

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to play more WPT GTO Trainer scenarios like this.

Review Previous Poker Study Sessions Here!


A huge THANK YOU to every Student who’s joined us for the WPT World Championship Study Sessions.

You can rewatch any of the sessions right now by clicking the links below or on the Webinars Dashboard.

Study Session 1: Mental Game and Endurance
Study Session 2: Preflop Strategy
Study Session 3: Defense Strategy
Study Session 4: Postflop Considerations
Study Session 5: ICM, Bubble, and Satellite Strategy
Study Session 6: Exploits and Intuition

We’re in the home stretch now! Make sure to submit any questions or hands on trouble spots to Ask a Pro and we’ll get you ready to conquer Vegas.

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Improve Your Game With Team LearnWPT

Whether you are brand-new to poker training or you’re an experienced student this is your chance to learn from world-class professional poker players in a friendly community using state of the art tools.


You must be a LearnWPT Member to access and join the WPT® World Championship Study Sessions and becoming a member is easy! Click the red JOIN NOW button to get started.

As a Member you'll immediately gain access to LearnWPT Training and WPT GTO Trainer packs, featuring 500+ Strategy Videos, Downloadable Tools (and more).

You'll also get alerts and links to the Study Session curriculum and Webinar dates.

learnwpt logo black-transparent-cropped-resized

Train → Play → Think → Like a Pro

Have Questions about LearnWPT? Send an email to our Support Team at [email protected] or click the red CONTACT US button.

Train For Your Championship Moment With LearnWPT Live!

Wynn Las Vegas

This December the World Poker Tour® has truly upped the ante by presenting the largest series of guaranteed prize pools for the second installment of the WPT World Championship Festival held November 29 through December 23 at the incomparable Wynn Las Vegas. The Festival is highlighted by the televised $40M Guaranteed WPT World Championship, the largest live poker tournament guarantee in history.

In addition to the marque WPT World Championship, there are also several incredible tournaments guaranteeing huge prize pools and much more including daily milestone and double play satellites for a wide variety of buy-in levels.

LearnWPT is excited to be a leading feature of the Festival through our Live at Wynn Las Vegas Championship Tournament Strategy Workshop that kicks off the Festival December 4th & 5th and includes Interactive Lab and Lectures PLUS an exclusive satellite for students to win a seat into the $5M GTD WPT Prime Championship!

What is LearnWPT Live at Wynn Las Vegas?

The LearnWPT Live at Wynn Las Vegas Tournament Workshop is a unique opportunity to learn elite poker strategy from one of the greatest poker players in the game, Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger who has over $17M in lifetime earnings including a whopping $1.8M score for his recent 2nd place finish in the $300K buy-in PGT Super High Roller Bowl.

Andrew will be joined by online poker legend Eric "Rizen" Lynch who has over $5M in lifetime earnings and is one of the pioneers in hand analysis with his best selling book series Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand at a Time Volumes I, II, and III.

Joining Chewy and Rizen to complete the championship roster of Instructors is Tony Dunst! Tony is one of the original online poker professionals and has built an impressive resume including over $4M in live winnings and is a World Poker Tour Champion.

He’s having a fantastic 2023 on the felt, including a 6th place finish at WPT Rolling Thunder and an incredible run in the WSOP Main Event securing 66th place out of 10K entrants for over $130,000. Tony has analyzed some of the most pivotal hands in poker history from the WPT commentary booth.

Get a Championship Poker Blueprint...

Poker is a game of strategy and skill, and the world’s best players know that developing a cycle for constant improvement is the only way to stay on top of the game. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive poker curriculum that includes Lab Sessions and in-depth lectures that add advanced strategies to your game quickly.

Our curriculum covers critical aspects of championship poker including preflop, postflop, short-handed, and heads up play. You’ll learn how, when, and why to apply advanced concepts such as backdoor equity, capped ranges, flop heuristics, and more – everything you need to study, practice, train, and play like a world-class player.

Our expert Instructors focus on helping you to quickly incorporate new techniques through detailed examples so you can see how to apply these strategies to your specific game.

During the Lab sessions you’ll take a seat at the poker table with real chips and cards and play live hands against fellow Students while a LearnWPT Instructor deals the action and provides in-depth, personalized analysis and coaching.

What you'll get from poker Lab Sessions...

  • Clear Strategic Guidance and Personalized Advice as You Play
  • Strategies to Combat Common Leaks
  • Open and Collaborative Environment
  • Join a Community of Passionate Poker Players

Win a Seat to the WPT Prime Championship!

After training with Team LearnWPT for 2 days, the Workshop concludes with an exclusive satellite* awarding the top 2 finishers each a seat to the $5 Million Guaranteed WPT Prime Championship held at the Wynn Las Vegas on December 7-12!

The Live Workshop is limited to 30 attendees, meaning students will receive unparalleled access to the greatest poker minds on the planet, giving their game specific attention and providing opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.

We hope you will join us for the LearnWPT Live Tournament Strategy Workshop and we look forward to seeing everyone on the felt for the WPT World Championship Festival at Wynn Las Vegas!

-Team LearnWPT

P.S. Members can save up to $750 on this event! Click here to learn more about LearnWPT Live Workshop Preferred Pricing.

Have a Question about LearnWPT Live? Contact the Support Team at (888) 600-5593 or [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

*The $1,100 WPT Prime Championship Passports are non-transferable and have no cash value. Winner must play the awarded event seat within the prescribed prize redemption period. View the FAQ section for more information.

SAVE $150 On Elite Mental Game Training! [Limited Time]


During a poker tournament have you ever...

  • Started off red hot, then hid behind your stack hoping to limp into the money when a known Pro gets moved to your direct left
  • Taken a bad beat and immediately started complaining, maybe even slamming your hand on the table
  • Been short stacked late in a tournament and call off with a hand that you likely know is behind, but you’re tired and "ready to gamble"
  • Gone "blank" in a big pot making a costly mistake because your heart was beating so fast you hear it in your head

Sound Familiar?

If you are constantly battling emotions and aren't prepared for long hours and quick turnarounds encountered during a major tournament series, your ability to execute in the moment will suffer. Strategy expertise is essential, but if you don’t have a plan to rise above the distractions and challenging opponents constantly being thrown your way it’s unlikely you’ll be able to consistently play your A-Game.

The good news is, you have a secret weapon to maintain peak poker performance at your fingertips - The Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker course by renowned Mental Game coach and author Jared Tendler.

SAVE $150! Use Promo Code JARED150 at Checkout


Jared Tendler created a step-by-step guide to preparing your mental game for sustained success during a tournament series including 8 modules with 34 video lessons, worksheets to personalize your training, review quizzes to reinforce your learning, and a private community forum to ask questions.

Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker also features real 1-on-1 sessions with winning poker pros, including 2023 WSOP Bracelet winner Diego Ventura.

Because we know the Mental Game is so important, we’re extending a special discount of $150 (enter promo code JARED150 at checkout) on Jared’s Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker through November 1, 2023.

A LearnWPT Membership is not required, no hidden fees, and you'll have lifetime access to the course videos and tools.


Take advantage of this opportunity to SAVE $150 and get a real game-plan for maximizing your performance and making the best decisions under pressure. Start strengthening your Mental Game today and learn why the world’s best poker players focus on this unseen edge to make deep runs and consistently dominate long tournament series.

P.S. Recommended completion time for Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker is 6 weeks so it’s the perfect time to help you gear up for the WPT World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas!

If you have any questions please contact the LearnWPT Support Team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to assist you.

*Discount available through November 1, 2023

LearnWPT Poker Study Session: Preflop Strategy


Photo credit: Drew Amato

There are only a few things you can actually control at the table during a hand of poker. By far, the most important is your ability to choose the right cards to play before the flop.

Knowing which hands to raise first-in with and how to adjust based on position and stack depth is the bedrock of winning tournament poker. Responding to aggression with the correct strategy is vital to accumulating a big stack and crucial to avoiding costly mistakes that can derail your Championship run.

Over the next 2 months Team LearnWPT is hosting Poker Study Sessions for Members to get their game ready to dominate the 2023 WPT® World Championship Festival at Wynn Las Vegas.

For each poker Study Session we'll provide Members with a curriculum that focuses on specific concepts and habits essential for tournament success and our 2nd Study Session is focused on Preflop Strategy!

First, watch the selected Episodes, download the charts, play the WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have.
Then join Team LearnWPT LIVE on Wednesday, October 11th at 6PM ET / 3PM PT to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Let's Get Started...

Study Session 2: Preflop Strategy

Huge Tournament Series like the WPT World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas bring excitement and tons of opportunity. To make the most of these gigantic fields and massive prize pools, it's important to have a solid preflop, postflop, and defense game-plan.

Knowing how and when to make moves Preflop is one of the keys to getting a hold of chips in a poker tournament. Since simply deciding to bet, raise, or call based on “feel” is not a proven way to be a long-term winner, it’s essential to base your move-making on a solid theoretical base.

In this Session we are focusing on the one decision you must make in every hand you play - what to do when action folds to you preflop. We'll also discuss strategies such as 3-Betting that will give you the opportunities to exert skill edge against your opponents.

🤔 Send us your questions to [email protected] about preflop strategies and we’ll answer them during the Live Study Session.

Know The Basics: Start With The 5 Keys 🔑

These 5 Key Factors are important for you to think about EVERY time you play a hand and they will guide your decisions on later streets:

  1. Always be aware of your and your opponent's Position
  2. Know the Stack Depth and Effective Stack in terms of big blinds
  3. Assign Preflop Ranges (not a specific hand) based on each player’s position and how they entered the pot
  4. Note the Number of Opponents seeing the flop
  5. Understand the Board Texture and how it affects your next move

Get these 5 Key Basics down pat by watching these four LearnWPT Strategy Episodes:

The 5 Keys Of Poker Tournament Strategy Quick Tips:

To build mental muscle memory for these concepts in real-time, focus on the 5 Key Factors even when you are NOT in the hand. Notice hands that were shown down, you’ll find an interesting trend...

  • The more players that see the flop, the stronger the average hand will be at showdown
  • The more coordinated a board is, the more likely it is someone has a strong draw or made hand
  • Multiway and Coordinated? You’ll likely see the strongest possible hands in a player’s range at showdown

🛑 Know Your First-In Hand Ranges

During the course of a poker tournament you are likely to face dozens of stressful decisions. Your ability to stay present in the moment and focus on the 5 Key Factors will likely decide whether you make a deep run or bust out on Day 1. Luckily there are some things you can start doing now to take away distractions and help make high quality strategic decisions under pressure.

Spend just a few minutes each day reviewing the Game Theory Optimal (GTO) Preflop Hand Ranges. Over time you will gain a solid grasp of each positional range and your preflop decisions will feel less stressful. You’ll free up mental energy to work on other areas of your game and be able to maintain sharp focus when facing tough spots postflop.


Watch this Strategy Episode from LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger as he gives you a detailed breakdown of which hands you should play from each seat position when raising first-in to the pot.

If you are a tournament player and haven't added these first-in hand ranges to your game plan you are missing opportunities to grow your chip stack and gain a balanced preflop attack. Understanding what hands to act with preflop from Early, Middle, or Late Position is crucial to your success!

Here are a few points from this Episode to remember...

Think in Hand Ranges:

  • A range includes all hands a player may have in a given situation
  • Avoid trying to put your opponent on a specific hand
  • Position, action, and stack depth help determine ranges
  • Analyzing hand ranges is best done away from the table

GTO First-In Hand Ranges - Tournaments

Download a copy of the GTO First-In Hand Ranges

Use these rock solid Game Theory Optimal hand ranges and you'll be well on your way to an award winning performance at the WPT World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas!

These charts will tell you what hands to play when you are the first person to put money into the pot at the poker table. They'll keep you on very solid, profitable ground.

Quick Tips For Using the First-In Hand Range Charts:

  • Use the Position Graphic to determine your position at the table and reference the appropriate chart for your seat. Always count backwards from the Button to determine your position
  • You should raise with all hands highlighted in PINK. Do not call the minimum bet amount - RAISE!
  • Your raise sizing should be between 2.3 and 3 times the big blind amount depending on stack depth.
  • Stay consistent with your raise sizing. If you raise a larger amount with a specific hand and smaller amounts with others, you will be easier to read at the table (IE don't raise to 600 with AA, but 400 with 99)

You'll develop Muscle Memory for preflop play by simply reviewing the charts and putting them into practice at the table!

Have Preflop Strategy questions? Send them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the October 11th Live Study Session.

Opening Hand Ranges With 20BB Stacks

Grinding a 20BB stack can be a challenge, especially when facing tough opponents or players with huge stacks deep in a tournament. Playing this awkward stack size without a solid preflop strategy can often lead to needlessly busting in all-in confrontations or failing to get max value on big hands due to betting pattern tells.

Adding a balanced first-in hand range for 20BB will bolster the chances of spinning up a stack and getting back into contention.


Watch this Strategy Episode as Nick describes how range composition changes as the Effective Stack Depth decreases and provides you with an easy to remember methodology for adjusting to opponents in real-time at the table.

Note: The advanced hand ranges featured in this Strategy Episode are the result of modifying Game Theory Optimal hand ranges to remove the need for randomizing and exclude some hand combinations that are infrequent in common live poker games.

Download the Brand-New GTO Hand Range Charts!

GTO First-In Hand Ranges - Tournaments - 20BB Effective Stack

For more in-depth hand range study focused on pure Game Theory Optimal (GTO) solver generated ranges and solutions at various stack depths, open sizes, raises sizes, and position visit the Tools Dashboard and the WPT GTO Trainer.

Not a Member? Join for just $5 your first month to watch the full Episodes, download the charts, and attend the LIVE Study Session.

3-Bet Defense in Tournaments: Facing 3x Sizing

Responding to aggression preflop in tournament play is a crucial skill to making deep runs, especially after you've open raised and are facing a 3-bet.

Your plan for deciding which hands to continue with and how aggressive to counter opponents preflop must be built on the same foundation as your first-in strategy to be successful.


Review this LearnWPT Strategy Episode as Nick Binger breaks down the why and how behind 3-Bet Defense in tournaments, including detailed advanced hand range charts* when facing 3x sizing for you to download and study.

The advanced hand range charts featured in the 3-Bet Defense Episodes are the result of modifying Game Theory Optimal hand ranges to remove the need for randomizing and exclude some hand combinations that are infrequent in common live poker games.

Advanced 3-Bet Defense - Facing 3x Sizing - Tournaments

Download a copy of the advanced 3-Bet Defense ranges introduced in this Strategy Episode to defend your 3-bets preflop vs 3x sizing.

3-Bet Defense in Tournaments: Facing 4x Sizing

Adjustment of range assessments based on raise sizing is an important concept that applies most often when facing 3-bets from out of position opponents.


In Part 2 of this series on 3-Bet Defense in Tournaments Nick outlines considerations when we defend facing 4x raise sizing, including detailed advanced hand range charts* for use in your game-plan.

Advanced 3-Bet Defense - Facing 4x Sizing - Tournaments

Download a copy of the advanced 3-Bet Defense ranges introduced in this Strategy Episode to defend your 3-bets preflop vs 4x sizing.

Not a LearnWPT Member? Join now for just $5 your first month to watch this full Episode and download the ranges.

Time To Practice!

Imagine you are in the $40 Million Guaranteed prize pool WPT® World Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. You decide to open raise to 2.25BBs from Middle Position with A♠6♠ and the Button 3-Bets to 3x your original raise sizing.

You call the raise. Now what’s your plan on the flop??

Practice hands in this common preflop tournament spot with the MP2 Open Vs Button 3x 3-Bet 8-Handed WPT GTO Trainer pack and see firsthand the importance of your preflop decisions.

GTO MP2 Open Vs Button 3x 3-Bet 8-Handed
WPT GTO Trainer 201 Ranges

Practice, practice, practice. This is how the best players in the world continue to improve. Make it a goal to play at least 25 hands per day (takes about 10 minutes) and use these features to help implement what you are learning.

See how close you get to 0 EV Loss and high percentage plays!

Save the Date: Live Session October 11th


Join Eric "Rizen" Lynch and Michael "Gags30" Gagliano for a LIVE Study Session on Wednesday, October 11th at 6PM ET | 3PM PT

Make sure you watch the selected Strategy Episodes, practice the suggested WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have. Join Rizen & Gags on October 11th to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Send us your questions to [email protected] about preflop strategy and we’ll answer them during the Live Study Session.


Thanks to everyone who joined the Live Study Session!

Did you miss it? No worries! Members can rewatch the Study Sessions anytime on the Webinars Dashboard.

Tune Up Your Mental Game and Save!

Analysis of Mental Game strategy is as important as any poker technique you can master which is why top poker players trust Jared Tendler to help maintain focus & bring their A-game to the table.

Jared's Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker course is a step-by-step guide to prepare your mental game for sustained success and get you ready for the WPT® World Championships or a series at your local card room.

BONUS: We are giving Study Session participants the chance to SAVE $150 on Jared's course (use promo code JARED150 at checkout) for a limited time, through November 1, 2023

In this section from his course Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker Jared tells you why it’s critical to have a process for preparing to play your A-game aside from studying strategy.

This step-by-step guide to preparing your mental game for sustained success during a tournament series includes:

8 specific training modules with 34 video lessons
Downloadable worksheets to personalize your training
A private community forum
Review quizzes to reinforce your learning!

Purchase this course today for just $499 (normally $649) and get lifetime access to the course videos, downloadable worksheets, quizzes, and interactive forums.

Use promo code JARED150 at checkout to receive the discount!

Find out why the world’s best poker players trust Jared to help them maintain focus and bring their A-Game to the table more consistently. Unlock a hidden edge in your poker game, and start working towards unshakable confidence at the table today.

Review Previous Poker Study Sessions Here!


A huge THANK YOU to every Student who’s joined us for the WPT World Championship Study Sessions.

You can rewatch any of the sessions right now by clicking the links below or on the Webinars Dashboard.

Study Session 1: Mental Game and Endurance
Study Session 2: Preflop Strategy
Study Session 3: Defense Strategy
Study Session 4: Postflop Considerations
Study Session 5: ICM, Bubble, and Satellite Strategy
Study Session 6: Exploits and Intuition

We’re in the home stretch now! Make sure to submit any questions or hands on trouble spots to Ask a Pro and we’ll get you ready to conquer Vegas.

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Improve Your Game With Team LearnWPT

Whether you are brand-new to poker training or you’re an experienced student this is your chance to learn from world-class professional poker players in a friendly community using state of the art tools.


You must be a LearnWPT Member to access and join the WPT® World Championship Study Sessions and becoming a member is easy! Click the red JOIN NOW button to get started.

As a Member you'll immediately gain access to LearnWPT Training and WPT GTO Trainer packs, featuring 500+ Strategy Videos, Downloadable Tools (and more).

You'll also get alerts and links to the Study Session curriculum and Webinar dates.

learnwpt logo black-transparent-cropped-resized

Train → Play → Think → Like a Pro

Have Questions about LearnWPT? Send an email to our Support Team at [email protected] or click the red CONTACT US button.

LearnWPT Poker Study Session: Mental Game and Endurance


Photo credit: Drew Amato

The Mental Game is a crucial piece that is most often overlooked in poker training. Many players refuse to address nagging issues that prevent their growth in the game including fear, anger, and frustration. Building endurance through proper exercise, rest, and nutrition goes a long way to supporting your Mental Game and is key to excelling during a long poker tournament series.

Over the next 2 months Team LearnWPT is hosting Poker Study Sessions for Members to get their game ready to dominate the 2023 WPT® World Championship Festival at Wynn Las Vegas.

For each poker Study Session we'll provide Members with a curated curriculum that focuses on specific concepts and habits essential for tournament success and our 1st Study Session is focused on Mental Game and Endurance!

First, watch the selected Episodes, play the suggested WPT GTO Trainer packs, and write down any questions you have.
Then join Mental Game Coach Jared Tendler LIVE on Tuesday, September 26th at 7PM ET / 4PM PT to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Let's Get Started...

Study Session 1: 🧠Mental Game & Endurance

In this Session we'll kickstart your poker study and give you valuable strategies for managing routines, building confidence, and dealing with adversity.

We’ll also talk about preparing for long tournament days and using physical fitness, rest, and proper nutrition to build endurance and optimize your play.

Send us your questions to [email protected] about training the mental game or getting into “poker shape” and we’ll answer them during the Live Webinar.

Improve Your Worst Poker Decisions

Playing your A-Game is the goal for most poker players, but what happens when you are not in peak state and playing your worst?


In this LearnWPT Strategy Episode Mental Game Coach Jared Tendler breaks down why it's crucial to focus on the times when you make your biggest mistakes.

Not a LearnWPT Member? Join now for just $5 your first month of Membership to watch the full Episode and attend the LIVE Session.

Tackle Your Fear of Failure in Poker

You've made the final table and are ready to go for the win, and then the thought crosses your mind:

"I've been playing great poker for 2 straight days, I am so close to the win, but what happens if I lose?"

Suddenly each decision is harder, and your brain is flooded with emotion and information. Has this ever happened to you?


Watch this Episode as Jared tackles this issue head-on and provides a detailed approach for confronting your fear of failure in poker.

Have questions about Mental Game Strategy? Send them to [email protected] and we’ll answer them during the Live Webinar.

Mental and Physical Fitness in Poker

LearnWPT Instructor Tony Dunst breaks down his approach to staying mentally and physically fit for poker.


Tune in to LearnWPT Strategy Episode as Tony details his regimen and gives valuable tips for maintaining focus and being ready to play your A game when it matters the most.

Not a LearnWPT Member? Join now for just $5 your first month of Membership to watch the full Episode and attend the LIVE Session.

Tournament Prep With Tony, Chewy, and Johan

Huge Tournament Series like the WPT World Championships at Wynn Las Vegas bring excitement and tons of opportunity. To make the most of these gigantic fields and massive prize pools, it's important to plan ahead for the unique challenges that you may encounter.


In this LearnWPT Strategy Episode hear firsthand from Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger, Tony Dunst, and Johan Schultz-Pedersen about how they prepare for peak performance during a long poker tournament series.

Tune in and get valuable strategies for preparing your mind and body to execute under pressure and maintain energy from the first hand to the final showdown, plus great insights on profiling new opponents and exploiting opponents.

Time To Practice!

Imagine you are in the $5 Million Guaranteed prize pool WPT® Prime Championship at Wynn Las Vegas. Action folds to you on the Button with a 50 big blind stack. You open raise 2.3BBs first-in facing a call from the Big Blind.

Practice and drill hands in this common tournament spot with the Button Open Vs Big Blind Call 8-Handed WPT GTO Trainer pack and see firsthand how decisions change at the final table.

Button Open Vs Big Blind Call WPT GTO Trainer
WPT GTO Trainer Hand Ranges - pk177

Practice, practice, practice. This is how the best players in the world continue to improve. Make it a goal to play at least 25 hands per day (takes about 10 minutes) and use these features to help implement what you are learning.

See how close you get to 0 EV Loss and high percentage plays!

Save the Date: Live Session September 26th


Join Jared Tendler for a LIVE Study Session on Tuesday, September 26th at 7PM ET | 4PM PT

Make sure you watch the selected Strategy Episodes, play and practice the suggested WPT GTO Trainer pack, and write down any questions you have. Join Jared on September 26th to discuss the study session topics and to get answers to your questions.

Send us your questions to [email protected] about training the mental game or getting into “poker shape” and we’ll answer them during the Live Webinar.


Thanks to everyone who joined the Live Study Session!

Did you miss it? No worries! Members can rewatch the Study Sessions anytime on the Webinars Dashboard.

Tune Up Your Mental Game and Save!

Analysis of Mental Game strategy is as important as any poker technique you can master which is why top poker players trust Jared Tendler to help maintain focus & bring their A-game to the table.

Jared's Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker course is a step-by-step guide to prepare your mental game for sustained success and get you ready for the WPT® World Championships or a series at your local card room.

BONUS: We are giving Study Session participants the chance to SAVE $150 on Jared's course (use promo code JARED150 at checkout) for a limited time, through November 1, 2023

In this section from his course Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker Jared tells you why it’s critical to have a process for preparing to play your A-game aside from studying strategy.

This step-by-step guide to preparing your mental game for sustained success during a tournament series includes:

8 specific training modules with 34 video lessons
Downloadable worksheets to personalize your training
A private community forum
Review quizzes to reinforce your learning!

Purchase this course today for just $499 (normally $649) and get lifetime access to the course videos, downloadable worksheets, quizzes, and interactive forums.

Use promo code JARED150 at checkout to receive the discount!

Find out why the world’s best poker players trust Jared to help them maintain focus and bring their A-Game to the table more consistently. Unlock a hidden edge in your poker game, and start working towards unshakable confidence at the table today.

Review Previous Poker Study Sessions Here!


A huge THANK YOU to every Student who’s joined us for the WPT World Championship Study Sessions.

You can rewatch any of the sessions right now by clicking the links below or on the Webinars Dashboard.

Study Session 1: Mental Game and Endurance
Study Session 2: Preflop Strategy
Study Session 3: Defense Strategy
Study Session 4: Postflop Considerations
Study Session 5: ICM, Bubble, and Satellite Strategy
Study Session 6: Exploits and Intuition

We’re in the home stretch now! Make sure to submit any questions or hands on trouble spots to Ask a Pro and we’ll get you ready to conquer Vegas.

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Improve Your Game With Team LearnWPT

Whether you are brand-new to poker training or you’re an experienced student this is your chance to learn from world-class professional poker players in a friendly community using state of the art tools.


You must be a LearnWPT Member to access and join the WPT® World Championship Study Sessions and becoming a member is easy! Click the red JOIN NOW button to get started.

As a Member you'll immediately gain access to LearnWPT Training and WPT GTO Trainer packs, featuring 500+ Strategy Videos, Downloadable Tools (and more).

You'll also get alerts and links to the Study Session curriculum and Webinar dates.

learnwpt logo black-transparent-cropped-resized

Train → Play → Think → Like a Pro

Have Questions about LearnWPT? Send an email to our Support Team at [email protected] or click the red CONTACT US button.

4-Betting With J♥J♦ in a WSOP Event, What Do You Do Here?

4-Betting with JJ in a WSOP Event

You are in a large field WSOP bracelet event with blinds at 1,000/1,500 with a 1,500 big blind ante. A very loose UTG player who has been opening 50% of hands (showing down hands such as offsuit connectors and Ax from all positions) min-raises to 3,000. The UTG+1 player 3-bets to 4,500 and you 4-bet to 15,000 from MP2 with J♥J♦. The Button calls, the original raiser folds, the UTG+1 player makes it 65,000, and action is on you.

What do you do here?

PRO ANSWER: We are in a large field WSOP event shortly after the dinner break. The blinds are 1,000/1,500 with a 1,500 big blind ante. The UTG player has been playing wildly, opening and 3-betting an estimated 50% of hands, showing down hands such as offsuit connectors and Ax hands from all positions. We are dealt JhJd in MP2 and the loose, wild UTG player makes a minimum raise to 3,000. The UTG+1 player then 3-bets to 4,500 and it folds to us.

Under normal circumstances an UTG raise and an UTG+1 reraise would make us think twice about playing our jacks. Given the tendencies of the UTG player though it is quite likely that the UTG+1 player would make a small isolation raise with a much wider range than normal in an attempt to isolate the UTG player’s wide range and play heads up in position.

With so many players left to act it’s unlikely they are isolating with a super loose range, but they could easily be isolating with the top 15% or so of hands and our jacks are well ahead of that range. We 4-bet to 15,000 and action folds to the Button who just flat calls our raise. Everyone else (including the wild UTG player) folds and then the UTG+1 player 5-bets to 65,000!

Continued below...

WSOP Win 300x250

While UTG+1 might isolate the UTG player with a wide range, to 5-bet after we 4-bet and the Button cold call is likely a VERY narrow range, something like QQ+/AK. If we knew that the Button would fold 100% of the time we would have around 36% equity against the UTG range.

The raise is effectively all-in because if we elect to continue in the hand neither player should ever fold a future street, barring extreme circumstances like exposed cards. If we evaluate this as an all-in situation then we’d be calling 73,500 to win 125,500, which is a little worse than 2:1 odds.

If we knew the Button would fold 100% of the time this decision would be incredibly close assuming the assessment of our opponent’s ranges are accurate. However, given we can’t be certain the Button will fold, we have to consider a possible slowplay with a big hand that would have us dominated.

It feels bad to 4-bet and fold, but our jacks are in bad shape against a likely very narrow range from UTG+1.

Folding is the best play.

How would you play it?
Share your answer in the comments below!


Train → Play → Think → Like a Pro

We created LearnWPT with the goal to provide a place that empowers players to ask questions, help get them focused, and provide a solid game-plan to bring to the table every time they sit down.

Some of the ways we accomplish this is by:

  • Teaching and presenting examples of proven, winning concepts through our Strategy Episodes (short 10-15 min videos)
  • Having Members Practice, Drill, and Play Hands using the WPT GTO Trainer for instant feedback on their decisions
  • Providing a place where Members can send questions to receive answers and guidance with the Ask a Pro Forums
  • Giving Members the ability to record and send hands they've played to receive expert analysis using the Hand Input Tool

Not a Member?
Click below to join (just $5 your first month) and start improving your game today!

On Tour With LearnWPT: WPT® Gardens Poker Championship


The first half of the WPT Main Tour season reaches its exciting conclusion as the best poker players on the planet head back to the incredible Gardens Casino in Hawaiian Gardens, CA right outside of Los Angeles for the televised $5,250 World Poker Tour® Gardens Poker Championship.

The 2020 WPT Gardens Championship Event featured a who’s who of tournament poker stars and elite cash game pros, all vying for their place in poker history. The prize pool swelled to just shy of $2.5 Million with Markus Gonsalves capturing the $554,495 first prize.


If you’ve always dreamed of seeing your name in lights and having your name etched on the Mike Sexton Champions Cup, this May is the time to find your way to L.A.! There are plenty of ways to win your way into the $5,250 Championship Event through one of the many satellites running throughout the festival, starting at just $150.

Team LearnWPT is here to give the tools and insights you need to make a deep run in the $5,250 WPT Gardens Poker Championship. Check out the strategies in this blog and you’ll be ready to jump in the action.

Lights, 🎥 Camera, … All-in!


The Gardens Poker Championship festival kicked off on May 15th with the $600 Mixed H.E.R.O.S Tournament. There are plenty of lower buy-in events and a ton of satellites into the Main Event, so you don’t have to stretch your poker bankroll to join the fun!

📅 Festival Dates:
Start: Monday, May 15, 2023
End: Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Click here for the full Festival schedule

WPT-Gardens-Poker-Championship (5)

The Televised Championship event begins Sunday, May 21st with two starting flights and unlimited reentry through the start of level 9 - Click for the tournament structure.

📅 WPT Main Event Schedule:
Day 1A: Sunday, May 20, 2023 starting at 11am PT
Day 1B: Monday, May 21, 2023 starting at 11am PT
Day 2: Tuesday, May 22, 2023 starting at 12pm PT
Day 3: Wednesday, May 23, 2023 starting at 12pm PT
Day 4: Thursday May 24, 2023 starting at 12pm PT*
*The final table of 6 will be played and filmed for television by the World Poker Tour at the HyperX Las Vegas at Luxor on May 27, 2023

Starting Thursday, May 25th Get 3 Days of WPT Final Table Live Streams!
WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown Final Table Live Stream - May 25th at 4:30 PM PT
WPT Choctaw Final Table - Live Stream May 26th at 4:30 PM PT
WPT Gardens Poker Championship Final Table - Live Stream May 27th at 4:30 PM PT
All live stream final tables are on a 30-minute delay

View ⚡ Live Streams on WPT Twitch, WPT YouTube or

🎭 Take the Stage With Brad and Andrew


The Scene: Gardens Casino in Los Angeles
The Cast: Andrew Neeme and Brad Owen
The Star: YOU!

Your chance to be a part of the fun and nonstop action is here as the World Poker Tour brings the famous Meet Up Game (MUG) to the Gardens Casino - and you're invited. Beginning at 11AM Pacific Time the pioneers of poker Vlogging and creators of the MUG will kick off the $5/$5 cash game action in the Gardens Casino Poker Room.

WPT- MUG-Andrew-Brad-Collage

The Los Angeles poker scene is synonymous with wild cash game action so be ready to play your share of Bomb Pots and practice your Stand Up Game Strategy.

Join us for a unique poker experience with the WPT Family, and you might even show up in Brad or Andrew’s next VLOG.

It All Starts with A Good Script 📖

Championship poker strategy and award winning movies have one key thing in common - without a solid fundamental backbone (or script) the results often are lackluster and can lead to disappointment. In poker, solid GTO based first-in hand ranges serve as the script for your entire poker story.

Watch this Strategy Episode from LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger as he gives you a detailed breakdown of which hands you should play from each seat position when raising first-in to the pot.

First-In Hand Range Charts - Tournaments

Don't forget your copy of the Advanced First-In Hand Ranges. Use these rock solid Game Theory Optimal hand ranges and you'll be well on your way to an award winning performance in your next WPT Event!

Need Help Getting Into Character?

Actors use proven techniques to get into character, often spending several months studying subtle mannerisms and perfecting accents.

If you expect to show up on the big stage at the WPT Gardens Championship final table and receive a standing ovation, you need to prepare with the same effort and intensity.

In this section from his course Mental Game Tune Up for Tournament Poker LearnWPT Mental Game Coach Jared Tendler tells you why it’s critical to have a process for preparing to play your A-game aside from studying strategy.

“Table Reads” With Tony Dunst

In Hollywood the "Table Read" is a key for developing chemistry between co-stars and sets a tone for collaboration during production. In poker, a table read is critical for the opposite reason - to create uncertainty and exploit your opponents.

In this Strategy Episode LearnWPT Instructor and WPT Commentator Tony Dunst describes the Top 8 Tells he’s observed in live poker and gives you tips on making Table Reads that will add profit to your bottom line.

Time To Test Your Skills!

JJ at the Final Table-optmzd

You are dealt J♦J♣ in the Big Blind at the final table of the WPT Gardens Poker Championship with blinds at 5,000/10,000 and only 3 players remain. The Button folds, the Small Blind raises to 33,750 and you reraise to 100,000.

The Small Blind goes all-in and action is back on you.

What do you do here?


Select your answer above to get insight from the LearnWPT Pros!

Have FUN, Good Luck, and Good Playing!

Are you playing? If you see Team LearnWPT stop and say Hi 👋!

Check the LearnWPT calendar to follow Team LearnWPT On Tour as we travel the globe to play WPT Events.

WPT-Choctaw-LuckyChewy-Vince-Van-Patten (1)

Are you on the way to L.A.? If you are planning to be in the action during the WPT Gardens poker festival we want to hear from you!

Share your success, show off your pictures of Brand and Andrew from the MUG, or just let us know you were there to be a part of the World Poker Tour. Follow and tag us on social media - we can’t wait to hear all about it!

Twitter @LearnWPT | Facebook @learnwpt | Instagram @learn_wpt

Good luck and good playing,
-Team LearnWPT

Train With LearnWPT Champions for Just $5

In 2022 alone LearnWPT Instructors won a 2 WSOP Bracelets and WSOP Circuit Ring, a 25K buy-in WPT High Roller, a 25K PokerGo Masters title, a 50K buy-in WPT High Roller, and a combined $5.2 Million in tournament winnings plus made appearances at several high profile final tables.

In 2023 we’ve already got 1 WSOP Circuit Main Event win and a 5th Place Finish in the EPT London Main Event to add to the totals!

Ready to train and learn from these Pros? Join them NOW!


Whether you are brand new to poker training or you’re an experienced student this is your chance to learn from world-class professional poker players in a friendly community using state of the art tools.

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Tour Terms With LearnWPT - Continuation Bet


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Continuation Bet: noun
con·​tin·​u·​a·​tion bet \kən-ˌtin-yə-ˈwā-shən ˈbet\

1) To bet on the flop after being the initial aggressor in the preflop round of betting. This bet must be the first bet of the flop round by the initial aggressor in the preflop round in order to be considered a continuation bet. Abbreviated as C-Bet.

Example of Continuation Bet in a Sentence
Brian raises to 1,000 from the Hijack and Tony calls from the Button. On the flop of A♣J♦4♥ Brian continuation bets 1,500 and Tony folds.

🤔 Should You Always C-Bet After Raising?

Aggression is a key to winning play in No-Limit Hold’em, however if you always just bet, bet, bet without a plan, you’re bound to run into a tricky opponent who will push back when the situation isn’t right for a continuation bet.

A fundamental strategy for c-betting is essential for keeping opponents guessing on the flop and taking down your share of pots.

Watch this Strategy Episode as LearnWPT Instructor Nick Binger outlines an easy to use strategy for c-betting, complete with a field guide you can download and use in your next tournament!

▼ Download the Basic Continuation Betting Manual ▼


How Do You Adjust for Tough Opponents?

A strong default c-betting strategy will put most opponents on the defensive and result in winning many uncontested pots.

When facing tougher opponents, you’ll need to upgrade your approach and adjust how frequently you fire again on the flop after raising first-in. Here Nick outlines the most common spots vs tough opponents that are the most challenging when deciding to c-bet.

Rules for Different Textures With LuckyChewy

Subtle differences in flop textures can have a big impact on the profitability of your continuation bets. Building out a balanced strategy for each texture is required if your goal is to maximize expected value across your c-betting opportunities.

In this Strategy Episode LearnWPT Instructor Andrew “LuckyChewy'' Lichtenberger takes a deep dive into the most common flop textures and tells you the proper c-betting frequency and recommended bet sizing for each type.

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Train - Play - Think Like A Pro!

During your next tournament or session give these continuation betting techniques a try and you'll become tougher to play against and keep your opponents on their heels more often.

Good Luck and Good Playing,
- Team LearnWPT

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